

c++ Programming Glossary: there

What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux?


under the debugger while it's being subjectively slow there's a simple way to find performance problems. Just halt it several.. it several times and each time look at the call stack. If there is some code that is wasting some percentage of the time 20.. P.S. This can also be done on multi thread programs if there is a way to collect call stack samples of the thread pool at..

Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points


of an expression produces something and if in addition there is a change in the state of the execution environment it is.. as above i parsed as i i i i i Undefined Behaviour because there's no sequence point between ` i` right most and assignment to.. ends up being stored in i which happens over in i and so there's no good way to define either for our understanding or the..

Operator overloading


are always copied. Your own function objects should therefore be cheap to copy. If a function object absolutely needs.. case for these 2 . 1 As with all rules of thumb sometimes there might be reasons to break this one too. If so do not forget.. 2 Also note that the postfix variant does more work and is therefore less efficient to use than the prefix variant. This is a..

How do I use arrays in C++?


a pointer to the first or any other element of an array there is no way to detect how large that array is or where exactly.. in because adding an array and an integer is meaningless there is no plus operation on arrays but adding a pointer and an integer.. An array of type T n has n elements indexed from 0 to n 1 there is no element n . And yet to support half open ranges where..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


syntax allows typename only before qualified names it is therefor taken as granted that unqualified names are always known.. . in a class member access. You need to insert the keyword there too this template f int call a function template Additional..

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?


your stolen key and look in the drawer. Your book is still there. Astonishing How can that be Aren't the contents of a hotel.. you are no longer authorized to be in the room. Nor is there a mysterious force that prevents you from entering a room with.. . In this situation anything can happen . The book can be there you got lucky. Someone else's book can be there and yours could..

Is there a difference in C++ between copy initialization and direct initialization?


are direct and copy initialization T t x T t x There is behavior we can attribute to each of them Direct initialization.. constructor is available and is an exact match B A const There is no conversion much less a user defined conversion needed..

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?


alias. MyObjectPtr p1 Empty MyObjectPtr p2 new MyObject There is now one reference to the created object p1 p2 Copy the pointer... reference to the created object p1 p2 Copy the pointer. There are now two references to the object. p2 is destroyed leaving.. to a particular section of code or to another object. There is one drawback to reference counted pointers the possibility..

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


Sorted seconds 3.186068823 Observations With the Branch There is a huge difference between the sorted and unsorted data. With.. between the sorted and unsorted data. With the Hack There is no difference between sorted and unsorted data. In the C..

Most vexing parse: why doesn't A a(()); work?


c most vexing parse share improve this question There is no enlightened answer it's just because it's not defined..

Do-While and if-else statements in C/C++ macros


incorrect. if corge f corge g corge else gralt There are two ways of fixing the problem. The first is to use a comma..

Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++


b c c_test ... c_test c b Possible overflow if c_test b c There has been an overflow else c c_test No overflow Is there a better.. C . c c integer overflow share improve this question There is a way to determine whether an operation is likely to overflow..

What should main() return in C and C++?


or void main and why If int main then return 1 or return 0 There are numerous duplicates of this question including What are..

What is move semantics?


again. I hope this example got the main point across. There is a lot more to rvalue references and move semantics which..

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?


to the original type you will get the exact same value. There are a number of conversions that reinterpret_cast cannot do..

What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux?


the percentage of samples on which you will see it. There is no educated guesswork required. If you do have a guess as..

What is The Rule of Three?


the destructor. Let us go back in time to pre standard C . There was no such thing as std string and programmers were in love..

What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them?


and the example memory layouts are vastly simplified. There's more overhead and a lot more details you would need to know.. to the constructor is copied into the private field FName. There is a reason it is defined as a fixed size array. In memory there..

Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords?


name or the name is qualified by the keyword typename. There are many dependent names for which typename is not necessary..

Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?


that scenario can happen in the real world no problem. There is no mysterious force that causes your book to disappear when.. the storage of the data manipulated by that program. There are lots of different ways of generating code to manage memory.. goes wrong and the process explodes. This is problematic. There are a lot of rules and it is very easy to break them accidentally...