

c++ Programming Glossary: their_addr

substitute for fork()ing? in windows


addrinfo hints res loop_find struct sockaddr_storage their_addr socklen_t addr_size memset hints 0 sizeof hints hints.ai_family.. accept loop. while true socklen_t addr_size sizeof their_addr new_fd accept sockfd sockaddr their_addr addr_size if new_fd.. addr_size sizeof their_addr new_fd accept sockfd sockaddr their_addr addr_size if new_fd 1 perror accept continue struct sockaddr..

Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed]


struct addrinfo hints servinfo p struct sockaddr_storage their_addr connector's address information socklen_t sin_size struct sigaction.. connections... n while 1 main accept loop sin_size sizeof their_addr new_fd accept sockfd struct sockaddr their_addr sin_size if.. sizeof their_addr new_fd accept sockfd struct sockaddr their_addr sin_size if new_fd 1 perror accept continue inet_ntop their_addr.ss_family..

Using select() for non-blocking sockets


the connecting address and size struct sockaddr_storage their_addr socklen_t their_addr_size fd_set read_flags write_flags the.. and size struct sockaddr_storage their_addr socklen_t their_addr_size fd_set read_flags write_flags the flag sets to be used.. if listen sock 5 0 printf nListen error m errno exit 1 their_addr_size sizeof their_addr accept new_sd accept sock struct sockaddr..