

c++ Programming Glossary: there're

Is it possible to guarantee code doing memory writes is not optimized away in C++?


behavior and looks like it can be optimized away. Now there're a lot of comments below about page files caches etc which are..

COM(C++) Programming Tutorials [closed]


Programming Tutorials closed Hey guys I was wondering if there're any good sites that deal with learning C COM from the ground..

Reopening serial port fails if not closed properly with CloseHandle


Of course this doesn't justify the FTDI driver . BTW there're several other known problems with some FTDI drivers Sometimes..

find four elements in array whose sum equal to a given number X [closed]


current a i a j int rest X current Now we need to find if there're different numbers k and l such that a k a l rest and k i and..

How is a situation when different implementations of an inline function are linked into one executable classified?


.obj files are linked together the linker sees that there're several instances of that function and intentionally ignores..

Linkage of symbols within anonymous namespace within a regular namespace


unnamed namespace is a superior alternative to static there're instances where it fails when static comes to the rescue . ..

How do I find how C++ compiler implements something except inspecting emitted machine code?


the disassembly . This works well for simple code but there're two drawbacks the compiler might do it different when it compiles..