c++ Programming Glossary: regards
c++ sort keeping track of indices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10580982/c-sort-keeping-track-of-indices or do you have a ref to pseudo code or C code thanks and regards c algorithm sorting stl share improve this question Using..
C++: Safe to use longjmp and setjmp? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1376085/c-safe-to-use-longjmp-and-setjmp it safe to use longjmp and setjmp in C on linux gcc with regards to the following Exception handling I'm not implementing exception..
Problems with Singleton Pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392315/problems-with-singleton-pattern a garbage collection environment it can be an issue with regards to memory management. In a multithreaded environment it can.. a garbage collection environment it can be an issue with regards to memory management In typical singleton implementations once..
End of File in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494342/end-of-file-in-c and fin.eof are becoming true at the same time Thanks and regards c eof share improve this question This is the wrong way..
Template issue causes linker error (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1639797/template-issue-causes-linker-error-c linker error C I have very little idea what's going in regards to C templates but I'm trying to implement a function that searches..
Optimizing very often used anagram function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18123959/optimizing-very-often-used-anagram-function case you can use the fact that std string behaves in many regards like a std vector char meaning that you can sort it using std..
Dealing with Floating Point exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219244/dealing-with-floating-point-exceptions Please give solutions in both C and C case. Thanks and regards c c exception floating point signals share improve this question..
F# performance in scientific computing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2752229/f-performance-in-scientific-computing compares to C performance I asked a similar question with regards to Java and the impression I got was that Java is not suitable..
cout Formatting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275484/cout-formatting Formatting I'm pretty sure this is a simple question in regards to formatting but here's what I want to accomplish I want to..
questions about name mangling in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937273/questions-about-name-mangling-in-c C does not have overloading functions right Thanks and regards c c name mangling share improve this question C does not..
Prefix/Postfix increment operators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3181211/prefix-postfix-increment-operators looks on par with typical implementations. EDIT With regards to your addendum no they are not aliases. You have created two..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom of the data types being used more attention to detail with regards to exceptions must be given in a more general case however std..
5 years later, is there something better than the “Fastest Possible C++ Delegates”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298408/5-years-later-is-there-something-better-than-the-fastest-possible-c-delegate users including on SO. Any hints pointers apreciated. Best regards D. c delegates performance share improve this question ..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points Reloaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4638364/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points-reloaded the code i.operator i.operator Works perfectly fine with regards to sequence points. Section 1.9.17 of the C ISO standard says..
Function signature-like expressions as C++ template arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4642079/function-signature-like-expressions-as-c-template-arguments c templates share improve this question With regards to your first question about the type int char float this is..
Performance of qsort vs std::sort? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4708105/performance-of-qsort-vs-stdsort objects instead of functions as algorithm parameters. Best regards c performance sorting stl share improve this question std..
Using SSL sockets and non-SSL sockets simultaneously in Boost.Asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4720120/using-ssl-sockets-and-non-ssl-sockets-simultaneously-in-boost-asio so far but I've hit something of a stumbling block with regards to a design decision. Boost.Asio provides support for SSL but..
Deciphering C++ template error messages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47980/deciphering-c-template-error-messages they say that C 's error messages are pretty terrible in regards to templates. I've seen horrendously long errors for things..
Array index out of bound in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671703/array-index-out-of-bound-in-c is that C C doesn't actually do any boundary checking with regards to arrays. It depends on the OS to ensure that you are accessing..
TCP socket Transfer data from PC to android device (Android NDK) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11872405/tcp-socket-transfer-data-from-pc-to-android-device-android-ndk f f f f matrix i 4 matrix i 4 1 matrix i 4 2 matrix i 4 3 Regards android c sockets android ndk share improve this question..
Monitoring Keyboard keys in Ubuntu [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12746869/monitoring-keyboard-keys-in-ubuntu for educational purposes. It is a part of School project.. Regards c c linux ubuntu keyboard share improve this question Most..
Delay Loading DLLs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388388/delay-loading-dlls any good references online for this particular matter. Regards c windows visual studio dll delayed execution share improve..
Why Can't I store references in an STL map in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1543193/why-cant-i-store-references-in-an-stl-map-in-c
does presence of mutex help getting rid of volatile key word ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616093/does-presence-of-mutex-help-getting-rid-of-volatile-key-word to do the right thing while doing the optimizations. Regards Jay. c multithreading compiler mutex volatile share improve..
Weird compile error dealing with Winnt.h http://stackoverflow.com/questions/257134/weird-compile-error-dealing-with-winnt-h
Create a big array in C++ [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3137598/create-a-big-array-in-c to create a big array like above what should I do Best Regards c share improve this question Use dynamic allocation or..
Class members that are objects - Pointers or not? C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3871429/class-members-that-are-objects-pointers-or-not-c declare class members as pointers when they are classes. Regards Mark c memory pointers class design member share improve..
c++ library to make tar files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4812837/c-library-to-make-tar-files and make small files which should all reside in a tar ball Regards Lalith c tar share improve this question A quick Google..
What is the meaning of the term “free function” in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4861914/what-is-the-meaning-of-the-term-free-function-in-c are my assumptions. So could anybody defines free function Regards Jame. c share improve this question The term free function..
enable pretty printing for gdb in eclipse cdt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985414/enable-pretty-printing-for-gdb-in-eclipse-cdt I go print a string for instance I get useless output.... Regards Alex c python gdb eclipse cdt gdb python share improve this..
Difference between creating object with () or without http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5116541/difference-between-creating-object-with-or-without the difference. My question What is the difference Regards Dirk c qt most vexing parse share improve this question ..
MJPEG streaming and decoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6022423/mjpeg-streaming-and-decoding my own format mjpeg or How can I use openRTSP in OpenCV Regards c opencv rtsp mjpeg live555 share improve this question ..
Problem with EOF when determine stream end http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6029875/problem-with-eof-when-determine-stream-end file stream if I don't want the feof style Thanks and Best Regards. c c io eof share improve this question Do not use feof..
Getting Machine Serial number and CPU Id using c/c++ in Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6491566/getting-machine-serial-number-and-cpu-id-using-c-c-in-linux CPU Id in Linux system. Sample code is highly appreciated. Regards Lenin c c linux share improve this question Here is what..
Print out the values of a (Mat) matrix in OpenCV C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7970988/print-out-the-values-of-a-mat-matrix-in-opencv-c me to a little function or code snippet that prints a Mat Regards Aaron PS Code that uses the newer C Mat interface as opposed..
C++ standard library and Boehm garbage collector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8016945/c-standard-library-and-boehm-garbage-collector not using Boehm GC with an application compiled by g Regards. c linux garbage collection g share improve this question..
Read Unicode files C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901473/read-unicode-files-c I'm using VS C but I'm not want to work with managed C . Regards Here a put a very simple example wifstream file file.open C..
The main difference between Java & C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192309/the-main-difference-between-java-c feel free to correct me if I'm wrong I'd appreciate it Regards Ron java c oop share improve this question C supports pointers..