c++ Programming Glossary: reflected
Why is CMFCMenuBar not utilizing the accelerator table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1290752/why-is-cmfcmenubar-not-utilizing-the-accelerator-table from the project since adding and removing menu items is reflected in the menu's UI. It even appends the accelerators to the default..
What is the difference between throw and throw with arg of caught exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481612/what-is-the-difference-between-throw-and-throw-with-arg-of-caught-exception object cannot be modified so any changes to b would not be reflected in the Derived exception caught by the outer block. share improve..
Is Pointer-to- “ inner struct” member forbidden? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1929887/is-pointer-to-inner-struct-member-forbidden
Allocating more memory than there exists using malloc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19750796/allocating-more-memory-than-there-exists-using-malloc htop tool I have realized that the malloc operation is not reflected on the resources. For example when I input 'u' only once i.e...
How to pass objects to functions in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2139224/how-to-pass-objects-to-functions-in-c be changed inside the function and such changes should be reflected outside in which case you pass by non const reference the function.. changed inside the function and such changes should not be reflected outside in which case you can pass by copy an alternative would..
Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2414359/microsecond-resolution-timestamps-on-windows frequency for power saving which apparently isn't always reflected in their QueryPerformanceFrequency result. There is Implement..
boost spirit semantic action parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3066701/boost-spirit-semantic-action-parameters example does is switch the match to a non match which is reflected in the parser output. According to hkaiser in boost 1.44 and..
References in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502687/references-in-c the object as any operation on references is directly reflected on the object ... Why and when are they used Is ist like a constant.. the object as any operation on references is directly reflected on the object ... C passes parameters by value meaning if you..
return() versus pthread_exit() in pthread start functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3692591/return-versus-pthread-exit-in-pthread-start-functions Since anything changed via the void ptr is already reflected in the calling thread there doesn't seem much point to returning..
Is passing pointer argument, pass by value in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4426474/is-passing-pointer-argument-pass-by-value-in-c Since i see that any change to the pointer as such is not reflected outside the method. The changes i do by dereferencing the pointer.. method. The changes i do by dereferencing the pointer is reflected though. In that case is it acceptable standard procedure to.. the pointer in the function body that change will not be reflected in the external pointer that will still point to the old object...
What does “Class* &cls” mean in C++'s function definition? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4632528/what-does-class-cls-mean-in-cs-function-definition
Why are changes in source not always reflected in machine code after build while rebuild works? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5470438/why-are-changes-in-source-not-always-reflected-in-machine-code-after-build-while are changes in source not always reflected in machine code after build while rebuild works Sometimes when.. Qt Creator 2.1.0 with mingw32 the changes don't get reflected in the produced machine code after building it. This happens..
Java and C++ pass by value and pass by reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5922119/java-and-c-pass-by-value-and-pass-by-reference you passed. Any change you do to it even assignations are reflected to the parent scope. This is in part due to how C deals with..
Why do std::string operations perform poorly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8310039/why-do-stdstring-operations-perform-poorly same operations with less interpreter overhead. This is reflected in your results. Preceding the test with s.reserve limit would..
Compiling a simple parser with Boost.Spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404558/compiling-a-simple-parser-with-boost-spirit have discussed a few more details in chat than have been reflected in the question as it is. Let me entertain you with my 'toy'..