c++ Programming Glossary: regex_match
Difference between regex_match and regex_search? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11628047/difference-between-regex-match-and-regex-search between regex_match and regex_search I was experimenting with regular expression.. to make an answer to this question and found that while regex_match finds a match regex_search does not. The following program was.. regex rgx . FILE_ . _EVENT .DAT. std smatch match if std regex_match s.begin s.end rgx std cout regex_match match n else std cout..
Is gcc4.7 buggy about regular expressions? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12530406/is-gcc4-7-buggy-about-regular-expressions argv std regex r st mt tr std cerr st mt tr matches st std regex_match st r std endl std cerr st mt tr matches mt std regex_match mt.. regex_match st r std endl std cerr st mt tr matches mt std regex_match mt r std endl std cerr st mt tr matches tr std regex_match tr.. regex_match mt r std endl std cerr st mt tr matches tr std regex_match tr r std endl outputs st mt tr matches st 1 st mt tr matches..
Can I use a mask to iterate files in a directory with Boost? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1257721/can-i-use-a-mask-to-iterate-files-in-a-directory-with-boost continue boost smatch what Skip if no match if boost regex_match i leaf what my_filter continue File matches store it all_matching_files.push_back..
How can I find the index in a string that matches a boost regex? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/234027/how-can-i-find-the-index-in-a-string-that-matches-a-boost-regex regex share improve this question If you use boost regex_match it's the whole string that's matching. Maybe you mean to use..
How do I include extremely long literals in C++ source? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481998/how-do-i-include-extremely-long-literals-in-c-source std wstring service code to populate service if boost regex_match service servicesWhitelistRegex Do something to print service..
linker error when using tr1::regex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2860722/linker-error-when-using-tr1regex a fA F0 9 6 void MapObject setColor const string c if tr1 regex_match c.begin c.end colorRX color c else cerr Invalid color assignment.. _M_compile ' tmp cce5gojG.o In function bool std tr1 regex_match __gnu_cxx __normal_iterator char const std basic_string char.. char const std bitset 11u ' MapObject.cpp .text._ZNSt3tr111regex_matchIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKcSsEEcNS_12regex_traitsIcEEEEbT_S8_RKNS_11basic_regexIT0_T1_EESt6bitsetILj11EE..
Precompiled headers with GCC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58841/precompiled-headers-with-gcc hello world sregex rex sregex compile w w smatch what if regex_match hello what rex std cout what 0 ' n' whole match std cout what..
Is this C++11 regex error me or the compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8060025/is-this-c11-regex-error-me-or-the-compiler char argv using namespace boost regex e 0 9 return argc 1 regex_match argv 1 e 2 It works g std c 0x .cc lboost_regex . a.out 1 According..