c++ Programming Glossary: redraw
Draw mouse pointer icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10823022/draw-mouse-pointer-icon how to track movement of the mouse but i dunno how to draw redraw mouse pointer anyone help Thanks in advance. c windows mouse..
GDI Acceleration In Windows 7 / Drawing To Memory Bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10840464/gdi-acceleration-in-windows-7-drawing-to-memory-bitmap of the double buffered bitmap In rcInvalid The rect to redraw bInvalidate Whether to refresh to the screen when we're done..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals screen_height 1.0f 10000.0f glutPostRedisplay This command redraw the scene it calls the same routine of glutDisplayFunc void..
Multiple console windows from one Win32 console app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12051496/multiple-console-windows-from-one-win32-console-app where on the screen the next character should appear redraw the whole screen after each key press If you want to do better..
How a draw a string in a splash screen by Xlib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16688368/how-a-draw-a-string-in-a-splash-screen-by-xlib d w event loop while done XNextEvent d e draw or redraw the window if e.type Expose XDrawString d w DefaultGC d s 50.. d w event loop while done XNextEvent d e draw or redraw the window if e.type Expose XDrawString d w DefaultGC d s 50..
Double buffer common controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1842377/double-buffer-common-controls all sitting on top of a tab control. The Tab control redraws itself then the buttons redraw themselves. When the buttons.. control. The Tab control redraws itself then the buttons redraw themselves. When the buttons redraw they flicker. EDIT2 Here's.. then the buttons redraw themselves. When the buttons redraw they flicker. EDIT2 Here's an example of the problem I'm having..
Reduce flicker with GDI+ and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/197948/reduce-flicker-with-gdi-and-c an off screen bitmap must be created and filled for each redraw and the entire window must be repainted for each redraw. See.. redraw and the entire window must be repainted for each redraw. See Notes on efficient double buffering . Using GDI calls rather.. first. Avoiding window class styles that force a full redraw on each resize CS_VREDRAW CS_HREDRAW This will help but only..
Draw OpenGL on the windows desktop without a window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935513/draw-opengl-on-the-windows-desktop-without-a-window mess up whatever you have drawn on it when it tries to redraw itself. There are some very complicated ways of getting around.. drawing messages to that window so you know when it has redrawn so that you can do your redrawing as well. Another option is.. so you know when it has redrawn so that you can do your redrawing as well. Another option is to use clipping regions on a window...
Simple Dynamic Graph Display for C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/464000/simple-dynamic-graph-display-for-c gets modified . This will be faster due to not having to redraw but the relative locations of nodes can be completely different...
Screen / glass break effect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9471407/screen-glass-break-effect random offset for translation rotation per polygon redraw the image find in which original polygon the original shape..