c++ Programming Glossary: regexes
C++ refactoring: conditional expansion and block elimination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10102610/c-refactoring-conditional-expansion-and-block-elimination constant folding see Algebra as a DMS domain . Unlike regexes DMS rewrite rules cannot mismatch code they represent the corresponding..
Why does std::regex_iterator cause a stack overflow with this data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12828079/why-does-stdregex-iterator-cause-a-stack-overflow-with-this-data other than L d small bug see below another edit these are regexes if you want to write them as string literals you need to change..
C++11 Regex Matching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15059162/c11-regex-matching question See gcc's stdc 11 implementation status page regexes are not supported as of gcc 4.8 Edit for posterity As JohnCaC2..
How well is unicode supported in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17103925/how-well-is-unicode-supported-in-c11 expressions library I have expounded upon problems with C regexes and Unicode on Stack Overflow before. I will not repeat all.. not repeat all those points here but merely state that C regexes don't have level 1 Unicode support which is the bare minimum..
C++: what regex library should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181624/c-what-regex-library-should-i-use only library and it has some nice features such as static regexes regexes compiled at compile time . Update If you're using a.. and it has some nice features such as static regexes regexes compiled at compile time . Update If you're using a C 11 compliant..
Remove comments from C/C++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2394017/remove-comments-from-c-c-code tool. I don't want to have to write this myself with regexes I foresee too many surprises in the code. c c comments share..