c++ Programming Glossary: ref1
Why is it illegal/immoral to reseat a reference? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1207906/why-is-it-illegal-immoral-to-reseat-a-reference down by the compiler. Here is an example void Foo code int ref1 a int ref2 b int temp temp ref1 ref1 ref2 ref2 temp or better.. example void Foo code int ref1 a int ref2 b int temp temp ref1 ref1 ref2 ref2 temp or better yet std swap ref1 ref2 I got an.. void Foo code int ref1 a int ref2 b int temp temp ref1 ref1 ref2 ref2 temp or better yet std swap ref1 ref2 I got an error..
Iterating Variadic Macro Arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6194031/iterating-variadic-macro-arguments dec8 a b c d e f g h dec7 a b c d e f g ref h #define ref1 a ref a #define ref2 a b ref1 a ref b #define ref3 a b c ref2.. a b c d e f g ref h #define ref1 a ref a #define ref2 a b ref1 a ref b #define ref3 a b c ref2 a b ref c #define ref4 a b c..
Why can template instances not be deduced in `std::reference_wrapper`s? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513050/why-can-template-instances-not-be-deduced-in-stdreference-wrappers return lhs.value rhs.value int main foo int f1 1 f2 2 auto ref1 std ref f1 ref2 std ref f2 ref1 ref2 If we don't provide the.. foo int f1 1 f2 2 auto ref1 std ref f1 ref2 std ref f2 ref1 ref2 If we don't provide the overload for an instantiation on..