c++ Programming Glossary: refactor
Is excessive use of this in C++ a code smell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1057425/is-excessive-use-of-this-in-c-a-code-smell advantages of either approach significant enough merit a refactor to the other Reason I ask that while I don't like the second.. risk of introducing further bugs don't quite merit a refactor. c this code smell refactoring share improve this question.. bugs don't quite merit a refactor. c this code smell refactoring share improve this question Your version is a bit cleaner..
Calling a function for each variadic template argument and an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12030538/calling-a-function-for-each-variadic-template-argument-and-an-array templates share improve this question You could refactor or wrap f to return a new X instead of having it passed since..
What is the state of C++ refactor support in Eclipse? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/130913/what-is-the-state-of-c-refactor-support-in-eclipse is the state of C refactor support in Eclipse Is it at the state where it is actually.. useful and can do more than rename classes c eclipse refactoring share improve this question CDT C C Development Tools.. C Development Tools eclipse project 5.0 has a bunch of new refactorings Declare Method Extract Baseclass Extract Constant Extract..
null objects vs. empty objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1628434/null-objects-vs-empty-objects I tend to be dubious of code with lots of NULLs and try to refactor them away where possible with exceptions empty collections and..
Can I get a non-const C string back from a C++ string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1919626/can-i-get-a-non-const-c-string-back-from-a-c-string of your C code that must interface with the old stuff. Or refactor the existing code to compile with the C compiler and then to..
Coding Practices which enable the compiler/optimizer to make a faster program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2074099/coding-practices-which-enable-the-compiler-optimizer-to-make-a-faster-program from doing the best job that it can. What can you do to refactor that will remove these prohibitions and allow the optimizer..
Finding “dead code” in a large C++ legacy application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2380153/finding-dead-code-in-a-large-c-legacy-application for C to make a analysis of large code base to detect and refactor dead code Note I'm not talking about test coverage tool like..
What to do about a 11000 lines C++ source file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3615789/what-to-do-about-a-11000-lines-c-source-file versions of our product and so it is really hard to refactor it. If I were to simply split it up say for a start into 3 files..
circular dependencies between dlls with visual studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/362830/circular-dependencies-between-dlls-with-visual-studio now if there's any possibility at all I think you need to refactor these projects. Fix the problem not the symptom. share improve..
Why is Visual C++ lacking refactor functionality? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363292/why-is-visual-c-lacking-refactor-functionality is Visual C lacking refactor functionality When programming in C in Visual Studio 2008 why.. 2008 why is there no functionality like that seen in the refactor menu when using C# I use Rename constantly and you really miss.. of C make it incredibly difficult to correctly implement refactoring functionality. It's possible to implement something relatively..
Unit testing of private methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3676664/unit-testing-of-private-methods are complex enough to warrant testing in isolation then refactor them into their own class es and test via their public interface..
Code refactoring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3777016/code-refactoring refactoring I am about to starting to work on a project which involves.. I am about to starting to work on a project which involves refactoring and modifying existing code which is in c c . The code is.. study the existing code base. Suitable tool which can auto refactor code with minimal efforts. Please do tell me about any experiences..
Where to define C++ class member template function and functors that instantiate it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4315969/where-to-define-c-class-member-template-function-and-functors-that-instantiate
return statement vs exit() in main() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/461449/return-statement-vs-exit-in-main the code is smooth in my opinion . And even if I want to refactor the main function having 'return' seems like a better choice..
Is there a general consensus in the C++ community on when exceptions should be used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5609503/is-there-a-general-consensus-in-the-c-community-on-when-exceptions-should-be-u that there is no ideal solution. Oh and do not hesitate to refactor your API when it becomes clear that the error reporting mechanism..
Is there a reason to call delete in C++ when a program is exiting anyway? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/677812/is-there-a-reason-to-call-delete-in-c-when-a-program-is-exiting-anyway delete a return 0 I was thinking maybe in case I refactor or someone else refactors that code and puts it elsewhere in.. 0 I was thinking maybe in case I refactor or someone else refactors that code and puts it elsewhere in the application where delete..
How do you introduce unit testing into a large, legacy (C/C++) codebase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748503/how-do-you-introduce-unit-testing-into-a-large-legacy-c-c-codebase in an automated fashion. Here's our problem in order to refactor the code to be more modular we need it to be more testable... supposed to be. To do this you may have to do some initial refactoring to make your target piece actually discrete. Write an overall..
Is there a working C++ refactoring tool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388469/is-there-a-working-c-refactoring-tool I took time and evaluated Visual Assist X as well as Refactor for C . Both have some impressing features but both as well..
Good refactoring support for C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16167/good-refactoring-support-for-c seen already but I'm really missing C support. I have seen Refactor and am currently trying it out but maybe one of you guys know..
C++ program design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2964013/c-program-design one file. 2. Add some functionality compile then test. 3. Refactor use this keyword in Google . Here are some guidelines for refactoring..
Is there a ReSharper-like tool for C++ projects? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3882280/is-there-a-resharper-like-tool-for-c-projects question In this question a while back someone suggested Refactor Pro but this is 2008 there may be more modern tools that are..
Help With Configuring Vim For C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4237817/help-with-configuring-vim-for-c Ctags or part of YouCompleteMe subcommands mentioned above Refactoring tool Refactor Useful text objects Arg text object and Class.. YouCompleteMe subcommands mentioned above Refactoring tool Refactor Useful text objects Arg text object and Class text object C..
What makes this header file slow VS2005 to a crawl? (IntelliSense exonerated?) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7032551/what-makes-this-header-file-slow-vs2005-to-a-crawl-intellisense-exonerated The culprit turned out to be the free version of Refactor for C from DevExpress that I had installed a long while ago..
How do you introduce unit testing into a large, legacy (C/C++) codebase? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748503/how-do-you-introduce-unit-testing-into-a-large-legacy-c-c-codebase to pass before you try and change anything significant. Refactor the code into tidy testable units that make better sense than..