c++ Programming Glossary: refcount
Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957492/writing-python-bindings-for-c-code-that-use-opencv m Mat ndims size type PyArray_DATA o step if m.data m.refcount refcountFromPyObject o m.addref protect the original numpy array.. ndims size type PyArray_DATA o step if m.data m.refcount refcountFromPyObject o m.addref protect the original numpy array from.. const Mat m if m.data Py_RETURN_NONE Mat temp p Mat m if p refcount p allocator g_numpyAllocator temp.allocator g_numpyAllocator..
How is std::string implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1466073/how-is-stdstring-implemented copy on write when a string object is copied unchanged the refcount is incremented but the actual string data is not. Both object.. actual string data is not. Both object point to the same refcounted data until one of the objects modifies it causing a 'copy.. of the data. The variations are in where things like the refcount locks etc are stored. a short string optimization SSO implementation...
C++ - passing references to boost::shared_ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/327573/c-passing-references-to-boostshared-ptr ... m_sp_member sp This will copy the object incrementing refcount ... 2 inside the function the argument is only used like in..
Is boost::interprocess::shared_ptr threadsafe (and interprocess-safe)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5365941/is-boostinterprocessshared-ptr-threadsafe-and-interprocess-safe defined in boost interprocess detail atomic.hpp with the refcount logic mainly implemented by boost interprocess smart_ptr detail.. sp_counted_base_atomic.hpp . The intent is to have the refcount be handled in a thread and interprocess safe manner. The atomic.. I suppose that you may be running into a bug in the refcount handling though I wouldn't count on it. I've restricted the..
Should I switch from using boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6322245/should-i-switch-from-using-boostshared-ptr-to-stdshared-ptr to be move semantics enabled which might save a few refcount modifications. Theoretically I've not tested this myself Debuggers...
Why are std::vector::data and std::string::data different? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7518732/why-are-stdvectordata-and-stdstringdata-different const data would have required a copy to be made if the refcount was greater than 1. While possible this was not seen as desirable..
How to implement thread safe reference counting in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/93073/how-to-implement-thread-safe-reference-counting-in-c
Smart Pointers: Or who owns you baby? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94227/smart-pointers-or-who-owns-you-baby objects when only the cycle is maintaining a shared refcount. c memory management smart pointers ownership semantics share..