c++ Programming Glossary: put_time
How to format date and time string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289017/how-to-format-date-and-time-string-in-c buffer sizeof buffer a b d H M S Y your_tm I believe std put_time uses a similar format string though it does relieve you of having.. to do something like std stringstream buffer buffer std put_time a b d H M S Y your_tm now the result is in `buffer.str `. std.. d H M S Y your_tm now the result is in `buffer.str `. std put_time is new with C 11 but C 03 has a time_put facet in a locale that..
C++ date and time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12346260/c-date-and-time std tm tm std localtime t std cout Time right now is std put_time tm c Z ' n' In particular there are data types std time_t and.. std time_t and std tm and a very nice IO manipulator std put_time for pretty printing. The format strings used by it are well.. std cout.imbue std locale ja_JP.utf8 std cout ja_JP std put_time tm c Z ' n' The chrono library included in the C 11 standard..
std::put_time formats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12347371/stdput-time-formats put_time formats I want understand how to work std put_time and how.. put_time formats I want understand how to work std put_time and how can I get date stamp in YYYY MM DD HH MM SS format... to_time_t now std chrono hours 24 std cout std put_time std localtime now_c F T ' n' and output is 2011 10 25 12 00..