c++ Programming Glossary: punning
Detecting endianness programmatically in a C++ program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001307/detecting-endianness-programmatically-in-a-c-program this question I don't like the method based on type punning it will often be warned against by compiler. That's exactly..
union for uint32_t and uint8_t[4] undefined behavior? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10271929/union-for-uint32-t-and-uint8-t4-undefined-behavior C 11 Footnote 46 page 42 c c unions strict aliasing type punning share improve this question I don't know what means What's..
Make interchangeable class types via pointer casting only, without having to allocate any new objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11219159/make-interchangeable-class-types-via-pointer-casting-only-without-having-to-all behavior. c c 11 language lawyer reinterpret cast type punning share improve this question If I understand you correctly..
Accessing inactive union member - undefined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11373203/accessing-inactive-union-member-undefined question The confusion is that C explicitly permits type punning through a union whereas C c 11 has no such permission. c11 as described in 6.2.6 a process sometimes called ˜â€˜type punning ™â€ . This might be a trap representation. The situation with.. common initial sequences this doesn't however permit type punning. To determine whether union type punning is allowed in C we..
Aliasing `T*` with `char*` is allowed. Is it also allowed the other way around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12612488/aliasing-t-with-char-is-allowed-is-it-also-allowed-the-other-way-around RodrÃguez. c c language lawyer strict aliasing type punning share improve this question Some of your code is questionable..
Purpose of Unions in C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2310483/purpose-of-unions-in-c-and-c continues to remain as the accepted one. c c unions type punning share improve this question The purpose of unions is rather..
Is it possible to “constify” a field of `std::pair` without hacks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3638541/is-it-possible-to-constify-a-field-of-stdpair-without-hacks using reinterpret_cast for anything as I've been by type punning problems before. Also I can't use temporaries since this is..
How to resolve pointer alias issues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3674814/how-to-resolve-pointer-alias-issues member than the one most recently written to called œtype punning is common. Even with fstrict aliasing type punning is allowed.. œtype punning is common. Even with fstrict aliasing type punning is allowed provided the memory is accessed through the union..
float bits and strict aliasing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4328342/float-bits-and-strict-aliasing u return u c floating point bits strict aliasing type punning share improve this question About the only way to truly..
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers a definitive profile of the profilers if you'll pardon my punning. Take away Use a profiler. They're good enough for Ritchie Kernighan..
WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6300804/wchars-encodings-standards-and-portability Portable things are typesafe serializable things need type punning. preamble When it comes to character handling in C there are..
strict aliasing and alignment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9964418/strict-aliasing-and-alignment this to be legal c c 11 unions strict aliasing type punning share improve this question This will never be legal no.. member than the one most recently written to called œtype punning is common. Even with fstrict aliasing type punning is allowed.. œtype punning is common. Even with fstrict aliasing type punning is allowed provided the memory is accessed through the union..