c++ Programming Glossary: procedures
C++ refactoring: conditional expansion and block elimination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10102610/c-refactoring-conditional-expansion-and-block-elimination quite like this and also wondered if any tools or procedures had emerged since they were asked c refactoring automated refactoring..
Using v-table thunks to chain procedure calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1090755/using-v-table-thunks-to-chain-procedure-calls and I read somewhere that thunks can be used to hook chain procedures calls. Is it achievable Does anyone know how that works also..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree must both be above 0.7. The results of the two threshold procedures are logically or ed together and the resulting matrix of black..
pass fortran 77 function to C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2902186/pass-fortran-77-function-to-c-c Fortran 95 to add this new feature I have called Fortran procedures from C using the ISO C Binding but haven't passed them as pointers...
Compiling static TagLib 1.6.3 libraries for Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3878883/compiling-static-taglib-1-6-3-libraries-for-windows I think it works fine Somewhere in my Windows compilation procedures I have to be going wrong. I have been smacking my face on my..
What's the difference between a procedural program and an object oriented program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/530741/whats-the-difference-between-a-procedural-program-and-an-object-oriented-progra It sounds like object oriented programming still uses procedures methods but everything is organized differently because the.. object is the star of the show. But it seems to me that procedures still allow you to do all of the same things. Like in C you.. the same things. Like in C you can put all of your similar procedures into a library. So couldn't you really say that a library in..
Compiling C++ code with allegro 5 and g++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6377204/compiling-c-code-with-allegro-5-and-g brings many changes including different initialization procedures library and function names. Here's a hello world application..