

c++ Programming Glossary: process_query_information

Read process memory of a process does not return everything


pattern argv 2 HANDLE process OpenProcess PROCESS_VM_READ PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION false pid find_locs process pattern std ostream_iterator void..

How to check if a process is running or not using C++


space for PIDs call EnumProcesses open each process with PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access flag and then call GetProcessImageFileName on it's handle..

How to get list of GDI handles


_wtoi argv 1 open the process HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ FALSE dwId DWORD err 0 if hProcess NULL printf..

C++ Windows - How to get process path from its PID


NULL TCHAR filename MAX_PATH processHandle OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ FALSE 1234 if processHandle NULL if GetModuleFileNameEx..

C++ Get Username From Process


I have a process handle with HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ 0 THE_PROCESS_ID How can I get the username..

Detecting user name from process ID


process. You can use OpenProcess for that requesting the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access right. Once you have that handle you can call OpenProcessToken..

How to get Process Name in C++


int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv HANDLE Handle OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ FALSE 8036 This is the PID you can find one..

Getting another process command line in Windows


on WinXP 32bit . I do the following hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION PROCESS_VM_READ PROCESS_TERMINATE FALSE ProcList.proc_id_as_numbers..