c++ Programming Glossary: priority_queue
Why does std::stack use std::deque by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/102459/why-does-stdstack-use-stddeque-by-default deque this way instead of a vector why is the default for priority_queue a vector not a deque also priority_queue requires front push_back.. the default for priority_queue a vector not a deque also priority_queue requires front push_back and pop_back essentially the same as.. and removing elements deque is likely a better choice. priority_queue requires indexing heavily as every removal and insertion requires..
How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10699265/how-can-i-efficiently-select-a-standard-library-container-in-c11 you can build several adapters on top of them stack queue priority_queue . I will leave the adapters out here they are sufficiently specialized..
Is there a way to access the underlying container of STL container adaptors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1185252/is-there-a-way-to-access-the-underlying-container-of-stl-container-adaptors way to access the underlying container of stack queue priority_queue I found a method called _Get_container in VS2008 implementation.. in VS2008 implementation of stack and queue but no one for priority_queue I think it is not standard anyway. Also I know it is a silly.. _Get_container is not standard and there is no one for priority_queue in VS2008 implementation. c data structures stl standards ..
Issue when scheduling tasks using clock() function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11865460/issue-when-scheduling-tasks-using-clock-function be using the std chrono namespace together with std priority_queue . #include functional #include queue #include chrono #include.. e1 const event e2 const return e2.when_ e1.when_ std priority_queue event std vector event event_less event_queue void add const..
priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933758/priority-queue-with-limited-space-looking-for-a-good-algorithm any deletes which you probably will have to if you use std priority_queue. Depending on the implementation of std priority_queue this.. std priority_queue. Depending on the implementation of std priority_queue this could cause memory allocation deallocation. So you can..
General use cases for C++ containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4010097/general-use-cases-for-c-containers library containers bitset deque list map multimap multiset priority_queue queue set stack vector For example a map is generally better..
Why don't the standard C++ container adaptors provide a clear function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/493774/why-dont-the-standard-c-container-adaptors-provide-a-clear-function function Does anyone know why std queue std stack and std priority_queue don't provide a clear member function I have to fake one like.. clear was not considered a valid operation on a queue a priority_queue or a stack by the way deque is not and adaptor but a container..
Iterator invalidation rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6438086/iterator-invalidation-rules container queue inherited from underlying container priority_queue inherited from underlying container Erasure Sequence containers.. container queue inherited from underlying container priority_queue inherited from underlying container Resizing vector as per insert..
Throwing the fattest people off of an overloaded airplane. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746648/throwing-the-fattest-people-off-of-an-overloaded-airplane this question One way would be to use a min heap std priority_queue in C . Here's how you'd do it assuming you had a MinHeap class...