c++ Programming Glossary: producer
Is there a production ready lock-free queue or hash implementation in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164023/is-there-a-production-ready-lock-free-queue-or-hash-implementation-in-c either of Herb Sutter's DDJ articles for either a single producer and consumer or multiple ones . The code he gives in line starting..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore INFINITE here's a link that shows how to correctly solve producer consumer problems http en.wikipedia.org wiki Producer consumer_problem..
Using condition variable in a producer-consumer situation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2379806/using-condition-variable-in-a-producer-consumer-situation condition variable in a producer consumer situation I'm trying to learn about condition variables.. to learn about condition variables and how to use it in a producer consumer situation. I have a queue where one thread pushes numbers.. mutexQ string s messageQ.front messageQ.pop Below is my producer thread void produce int i 0 while bStop && i < MESSAGE MESSAGE..
Conditional Variable vs Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3513045/conditional-variable-vs-semaphore number of available things. Semaphores are good for producer consumer situations where producers are allocating resources.. Semaphores are good for producer consumer situations where producers are allocating resources and consumers are consuming them... a shared resource. You have one thread that's a vendor producer who is responsible for keeping the machine stocked and N threads..
STL vector and thread-safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346742/stl-vector-and-thread-safety . One solution to your problem would be to have the producer dynamically allocate the std vector and use a std shared_ptr.. this std shared_ptr to each of the consumers. When the producer needs to add more data it can dynamically allocate a new std..
Multiple producers, single consumer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5105382/multiple-producers-single-consumer producers single consumer I have to Develop a multithreaded application.. in to a file.Basically here we are implementing multiple producer single Consumer paradigm. Can any body Suggest me how to implement.. to implement this in C or C# . Thanks c# c multithreading producer consumer share improve this question This kind of thing..
Circular lock-free buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/871234/circular-lock-free-buffer events based on the result. In a typical multi threaded producer consumer setup I will have multiple producer threads putting.. threaded producer consumer setup I will have multiple producer threads putting data into a queue and multiple consumer threads.. in the latest data point plus n number of points. The producer threads will have to block if slow consumer can not keep up..
Good alternative to shared memory IPC for Java/C++ apps on Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/904492/good-alternative-to-shared-memory-ipc-for-java-c-apps-on-linux interaction model for your processess i.e. client server producer consumer etc From personal experience I would suggest your best..
boost named_condition is not waking up waiting process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17731050/boost-named-condition-is-not-waking-up-waiting-process typedef deque offset_ptr int ShmemAllocator Deque #endif Producer process #include shared_memory.h struct shm_remove shm_remove..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore producer consumer problems http en.wikipedia.org wiki Producer consumer_problem also i think critical sections are much faster..
Lock Free Queue — Single Producer, Multiple Consumers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2702328/lock-free-queue-single-producer-multiple-consumers Free Queue &mdash Single Producer Multiple Consumers I am looking for a method to implement lock..
How to return a reference in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4633767/how-to-return-a-reference-in-c reference to an object in scenario like this class Producer std shared_ptr SomeObject mObject public Producer mObject new.. class Producer std shared_ptr SomeObject mObject public Producer mObject new SomeObject const SomeObject GetObject const return..
Qt moveToThread() vs calling new thread when do we use each http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5152609/qt-movetothread-vs-calling-new-thread-when-do-we-use-each problem. This is the simplified code from that blog class Producer public Producer public slots void produce do whatever to retrieve.. the simplified code from that blog class Producer public Producer public slots void produce do whatever to retrieve the data and.. emit finished int main ... QCoreApplication app ... Producer producer Consumer consumer producer.connect consumer SIGNAL..
What are the common causes for high CPU usage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9275262/what-are-the-common-causes-for-high-cpu-usage written in C I have created 3 threads AnalysisThread or Producer it reads an input file parses it and generates patterns and..