c++ Programming Glossary: priori
Can different GCC dialects be linked together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10717106/can-different-gcc-dialects-be-linked-together behavior dialect share improve this question A priori no. The safest solution is to assume that all of the compiler..
What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375913/what-can-i-use-to-profile-c-code-in-linux is 0.1 so all of these costs are equally likely a priori. Then suppose we take just 2 stack samples and we see instruction..
Example of how to use boost upgradeable mutexes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3896717/example-of-how-to-use-boost-upgradeable-mutexes unlock_shared and lock . It's useful when you know a priori what kind of access to the resource you will do. shared_mutex..
Dealing with M occurrences among N http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3963409/dealing-with-m-occurrences-among-n actual C solution. EDIT We know actual values of m and n a priori. Example. We know that n 3 and m 2. The sequence N 8 is 5 11..
Integer division algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097383/integer-division-algorithm divide with a certain class of numbers and we have to a priori know the representation of dividend in base b. However for b..
How do I allocate a std::string on the stack using glibc's string implementation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/783944/how-do-i-allocate-a-stdstring-on-the-stack-using-glibcs-string-implementation and sanity of doing this consider Oftentimes you know a priori that your string has a reasonable maximum size. For example..
Array placement-new requires unspecified overhead in the buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8720425/array-placement-new-requires-unspecified-overhead-in-the-buffer Don't use operator new std size_t void p unless you know a priori the answer to this question. The answer is an implementation..
Reading formatted input from an istream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9027896/reading-formatted-input-from-an-istream c share improve this question Although it isn't a priori obvious there is a relatively simple way to change what a stream..
manipulating multidimensional arrays with functions in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9672731/manipulating-multidimensional-arrays-with-functions-in-c it in main . You can use that approach if you know a priori the size of your matrix otherwise consider working with pointers..