c++ Programming Glossary: process_all_access
VC++ 2008, OpenProcess always returning error 5 (Access Denied) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/169355/vc-2008-openprocess-always-returning-error-5-access-denied 5 on GetLastError when I try to call OpenProcess with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS as my desired access PROCESS_VM_READ works just fine. I'm an..
SizeOfImage member causing program crash http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18540851/sizeofimage-member-causing-program-crash ModuleSize 0 MODULEINFO MINFO HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS 0 GetCurrentProcessId if hProcess GetModuleInformation hProcess..
How to effectively kill a process in C++ (Win32)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1916574/how-to-effectively-kill-a-process-in-c-win32 you ask for in OpenProcess . You are unlikely to get PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS all you need is PROCESS_TERMINATE . Although that's privileged..
how to get process handle from process id? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2221103/how-to-get-process-handle-from-process-id windows vista share improve this question OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS TRUE procId You'll need to verify that you're using a valid..
Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2932461/windows-vista-win7-privilege-problem-sedebugprivilege-openprocess PIDs on the system Opening a handle using OpenProcess with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS access rights Using ReadProcessMemory to read the memory of.. i pidList.size i HANDLE hProcess NULL hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE pidList i if hProcess NULL Error is occurring here under..
using sendmessage to send wm_close to another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5402158/using-sendmessage-to-send-wm-close-to-another-process _T abc.exe this will return pid HANDLE h OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS false SetOfPID HWND hwnd GetTopWindow NULL while hwnd DWORD..
Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6185975/prevent-user-process-from-being-killed-with-end-process-from-process-explorer denyAccess 0 DWORD dwAccessPermissions GENERIC_WRITE PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS WRITE_DAC DELETE WRITE_OWNER READ_CONTROL BuildExplicitAccessWithName..
How can I get a process handle by its name in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/865152/how-can-i-get-a-process-handle-by-its-name-in-c entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do stuff.. CloseHandle hProcess.. CloseHandle snapshot return 0 Also if you'd like to use PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS in OpenProcess you could try this #include cstdio #include windows.h.. entry.szExeFile target.exe 0 HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS FALSE entry.th32ProcessID Do stuff.. CloseHandle hProcess..