c++ Programming Glossary: probabilities
What is the optimal algorithm for generating an unbiased random integer within a range? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11758809/what-is-the-optimal-algorithm-for-generating-an-unbiased-random-integer-within-a the floating point version produces two tightly grouped probabilities near either 0.101 or 0.097 nothing in between. This is the bias..
Random numbers with different probabilities [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12885356/random-numbers-with-different-probabilities numbers with different probabilities duplicate Possible Duplicate C function for picking from a..
Representing probability in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1772579/representing-probability-in-c in C I'm trying to represent a simple set of 3 probabilities in C . For example a 0.1 b 0.2 c 0.7 As far as I know probabilities.. in C . For example a 0.1 b 0.2 c 0.7 As far as I know probabilities must add up to 1 My problem is that when I try to represent..
Code for identifying programming language in a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3600222/code-for-identifying-programming-language-in-a-text-file unknown than a wrong result. it will be in the list of probabilities for example as unknown 100 see below The output should be a.. as unknown 100 see below The output should be a list of probabilities for each language the code knows so if it knows C Java and Perl.. C 70 Java 50 Perl 30 note there is no need to have the probabilities sum up to 100 It should have a good ratio of accuracy speed..
Is the value of RAND_MAX always (2^n)-1? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4945698/is-the-value-of-rand-max-always-2n-1 and I especially want as equal as sanely possible probabilities for all numbers. For example taking rand upperbound gives a..
Need for predictable random generator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910215/need-for-predictable-random-generator a fair ifying hit. It is deemed unfair based on boundary probabilities. For instance for a probability of 20 you could set 10 as a..