c++ Programming Glossary: printable
C++ Win32 keyboard events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437158/c-win32-keyboard-events 0 0 PostMessage mainwnd WM_MCR_EXEC 0 0 break Which non printable keys allow passing switch kbd vkCode case VK_LCONTROL case VK_CAPITAL..
How to simulate “Press any key to continue?” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449324/how-to-simulate-press-any-key-to-continue and exits when you hit a key not limited to Enter or printable keys . @Johnsyweb please elaborate what you mean by detailed..
Profiling DLL/LIB Bloat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1598703/profiling-dll-lib-bloat utility to scan your DLL might reveal unexpected or unused printable strings e.g. resources RCS IDs __FILE__ macros debugging messages..
Explanation of C++ FAQ's unsafe macro? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16243509/explanation-of-c-faqs-unsafe-macro use for X Macros IMO is associating enum identifiers with printable strings. While it make look funny at first it reduces duplication..
C++: Printing ASCII Heart and Diamonds With Platform Independent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2094366/c-printing-ascii-heart-and-diamonds-with-platform-independent to have glyphs although they were never intended to be printable . Still it's not a safe bet. However using Unicode needs proper..
SendInput() isn't “sending” the correct shifted characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2167156/sendinput-isnt-sending-the-correct-shifted-characters is always VK_TAB. windows.h defines VK_xxx codes for non printable virtual keys for the printable ones the virtual key code is.. VK_xxx codes for non printable virtual keys for the printable ones the virtual key code is the same as the ASCII value. But..
Overloading the global type conversion operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2235219/overloading-the-global-type-conversion-operator that you use methods that convert to string to produce printable results in C the idiomatic way is providing operator and then..
Simulating key press events in Mac OS X http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2379867/simulating-key-press-events-in-mac-os-x this SO question . The problem is that it only works for printable characters. If all else fails I'm not above hard coding the..
Compress 21 Alphanumeric Characters in to 16 Bytes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3419606/compress-21-alphanumeric-characters-in-to-16-bytes For the trade_num_ field we can assume that the non printable ASCII characters 0 31 will not be present. Nor will ASCII codes..
Converting binary data to printable hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/412954/converting-binary-data-to-printable-hex binary data to printable hex In this thread some one commented that the following code..
Regex Replacing : to “:” etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428013/regex-replacing-58-to-etc a test colon . Here's a test semi colon And so on for all printable ASCII values . At present I'm using boost regex_search to match..
Why can't I instantiate operator<<(ostream&, vector<T>&) with T=vector<int>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5355081/why-cant-i-instantiate-operatorostream-vectort-with-t-vectorint I try to specify that any vector regardless of type is printable. So why doesn't std vector std vector print EDIT Using the following..