

c++ Programming Glossary: permute

How can I find all permutations of a string without using recursion?


is preferred using namespace std string swtch string topermute int x int y string newstring topermute newstring x newstring.. swtch string topermute int x int y string newstring topermute newstring x newstring y newstring y topermute x avoids temp.. newstring topermute newstring x newstring y newstring y topermute x avoids temp variable return newstring void permute string..

Are there any better methods to do permutation of string?


there any better methods to do permutation of string void permute string elems int mid int end static int count if mid end cout.. endl return else for int i mid i end i swap elems mid i permute elems mid 1 end swap elems mid i The above function shows the.. and str mid..end as a permutable suffix . So we can use permute str 0 str.size 1 to show all the permutations of one string...

Similar String algorithm


kinda like the pancake sorting problem . So you can permute every combination of words filtering out exact matches with.. of other string trying to minimize a combination of permute distance and Levenshtein distance on each word pair. edit Now..

C++ specialization of template function inside template class


want and works. And then maybe we can figure out how to permute it into something closer to what you really want #include string..

Optimizing subset sum implementation


int j 0 j arrSize j printf 2d arr j printf d n endsum void permute int subset int pos int sspos if done when a correct solution.. pos 11 assert i 1 supersetsize subset pos superset i permute subset pos 1 i 1 int main void endsum 110 supersetsize 20 int.. sizeof int int i for i 0 i supersetsize i arr i 0 permute arr 0 0 printf Combinations d combo return 0 Although this solution..

sizeof an array passed as function argument [duplicate]


piece of code based off of my teacher's pseudocode void permute int v int curr char letters if curr sizeof v sizeof int checkit.. for int i curr i sizeof v sizeof int i swap i curr v permute v curr 1 letters swap v curr v i for permu The only thing I.. the way to go. Your function is exactly equivalent to void permute int v int curr char letters ... i.e. v is not really an array..