

c++ Programming Glossary: perfect

Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513?


is not a multiple of the critical stride messes up this perfect scenario for disaster as we're no longer dealing with elements..

Which I/O library do you use in your C++ code? [closed]


it was the source of many bugs as programmers are less perfect in their analysis than compilers not going to say compilers.. analysis than compilers not going to say compilers are perfect just better than humans . Just to clarify comments from Colin..

C++ Accesses an Array out of bounds gives no error, why?


working fine. It seems STL containers are also not 100 perfect It does range checking using .at not using indices . EDIT 3..

Best way to detect integer overflow in C/C++


a size_t bits 0 while a 0 bits a 1 return bits It's not perfect but that'll give you a good idea whether any two numbers could..

Dynamically allocating an array of objects


standard containers such as a std vector . But this is a perfect example of the things you need to consider when your object..

Why have header files and .cpp files in C++? [closed]


when something in the implementation changes. It's not perfect and you would usually resort to techniques like the Pimpl Idiom..

Advantages of using forward


of using forward In perfect forwarding std forward is used to convert the named rvalue references.. forward T1 t1 std forward T2 t2 c c 11 rvalue reference perfect forwarding share improve this question You have to understand.. category of the parameter. Putting these together gives us perfect forwarding template typename A void f A a E static_cast A a..

RAII and smart pointers in C++


to or using str return str Of course this solution isn't perfect either. The reason is that we've created str but we never delete.. some of the comments have pointed out this example isn't perfect for at least two reasons. Firstly due to the implementation..

Operator overloading


And Swap FAQ so I'll skip most of it here only listing the perfect assignment operator for reference X X operator X rhs swap rhs..

What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed]


the battle a bit better. Update 13 04 2011 Here are three perfect examples of someone who is using the STL to refer to the entire..

What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11?


of a use case for that. c c 11 rvalue reference c faq perfect forwarding share improve this question It declares an rvalue..

Isn't the template argument (the signature) of std::function part of its type?


the overload set it tries to convert the arguments if no perfect fitting function exists. The conversion can happen through the..

How to emulate C array initialization “int arr[] = { e1, e2, e3, … }” behaviour with std::array?


C 11 stuff Variadic Templates sizeof... rvalue references perfect forwarding std array of course uniform initialization omitting..

Why should `new` be used as little as possible?


leads to memory leaks or memory fragmentation there are perfectly good use cases for dynamic allocation as it's less limited... to wrap resources into another object. std string is a perfect example. This snippet int main int argc char argv std string..

make_unique and perfect forwarding


and perfect forwarding Why is there no std make_unique function template.. make of that c c 11 variadic templates unique ptr perfect forwarding share improve this question Herb Sutter chair..

conversion precedence in c++


rank the possible matches as follows from best to worst Perfect match. The parameter has the type of the expression or it has..

How to detect c++11 support of a compiler with cmake


compile errors instead of an error during the cmake run. Perfect would be something that work like find_package however I have..

C++ w/ OpenGL Pixel Perfect Plot


w OpenGL Pixel Perfect Plot I need to plot a pixel on the window according to its..

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?


initialized with an rvalue it will be move constructed . Perfect. In the same way C 03 let us re use our copy constructor functionality..

Advantages of using forward


an lvalue. When f receives an rvalue E gets an rvalue. Perfect. And of course we want to get rid of the ugly. static_cast T..

Perfect Forwarding in C++03


Forwarding in C 03 If you have this function template typename..

Templates and STL


int main TList int std vector v TList int std map float m Perfect. Unfortunately there's no way to reproduce this in C 03 except..

Any metaprogramming way to generate overloads for various numbers of template parameters?


FOO_NUM_ARGS 4 #include Foo_Template.h #undef FOO_NUM_ARGS Perfect With a little more preprocessor effort and boilerplate code..

What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11?


empty foo f2 std move f1 Move f1 into f2 f1 is now empty Perfect forwarding . rvalue references allow to properly forward arguments..

C++ Unified Assignment Operator move-semantics


with out an answer. After watching a Channel 9 video on Perfect Forwarding Move semantics in c 0x i was some what led into believing..

Relevant boost features vs C++11


or libraries Foreach Range based for Functional Forward Perfect forwarding with rvalue references variadic templates and std.. and std forward In Place Factory Typed In Place Factory Perfect forwarding at least for the documented use cases Lambda Lambda..