

c++ Programming Glossary: performances

Variadic template operator<<


stream_op to int or to whatever you want . A note on performances with these expression templates a part of the data is encoded..

fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++


but I couldn't find proper analysis of their respective performances neither how to implement them in both JAVA and C C so that they.. that I could imagine how to do. can anyone comment about performances feasibility of each method in this context any pointer link..

shared_ptr: horrible speed


undefined behavior to play nice So it's hard to judge on performances since the former doesn't recover well from exceptions while..

Least Recently Used cache using C++


the list we are iterating on... oh my. And there are the performances consideration both in term of speed and memory consumption...

Is Boost IPC any good? [closed]


gives a bit more detail about the implementation and the performances of the library but doesn't include an implementation rationale...

OpenMP: conditional use of #pragma


that on small loops the use of this library decreased performances and that using the normal way was better. In fact I'd like to..