

c++ Programming Glossary: perf

Globally override malloc in visual c++


able to use the old malloc functions as default. In google perf tools it seems like they patch the code of the functions manually..

Why does changing `const ull` to `const ull&` in function parameter result in performance gain?


ull` to `const ull ` in function parameter result in performance gain So with the following code changing the type of.. total. . value Took 1.83seconds total. c performance optimization gcc c 11 share improve this question .. to be when you pass x by value it enables the compiler to perform optimizations that it otherwise doesn't do and these optimizations..

Performance profiling on Linux


been a lot of talk on the kernel lists about things like perf timechart but I haven't found anything turning up in Ubuntu.. found anything turning up in Ubuntu yet. c c linux performance unix share improve this question I recommend taking..

Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed?


of add from the call site matters a lot. I have tried perf but the output of perf stat and perf report makes very little.. site matters a lot. I have tried perf but the output of perf stat and perf report makes very little sense to me. However.. a lot. I have tried perf but the output of perf stat and perf report makes very little sense to me. However I could only get..

C++ application - should I use static or dynamic linking for the libraries?


with static linking because Easier deployment Predictable performance and more consistent results during perf. testing look.. Predictable performance and more consistent results during perf. testing look at this paper http www.inf.usi.ch faculty hauswirth..

Can optimizations affect the ability to debug a VC++ app using its PDB?


VC2005 and will always choose debugability over optimized performance but the question is general c visual studio optimization.. take stack traces without symbols. For many projects the perf benefit of FPO nowadays doesn't outweigh the hit for diagnosability..

C++ string memory management


productivity difference is shocking on its own it's the performance that I would need some advice on. It takes seven seconds.. is not acceptable and I must find a way to increase the performance. Are there any chance that I can allocate this many strings.. allocate this many strings without seeing this horrible performace degradation My guess right now is that I'll have to stuff..

Does using references instead of pointers, resolve memory leaks in C++?


of returning large objects by value probably scares your perf centric mind. Read this to allay your fears. share improve..

Best library for statistics in C++? [closed]


library for statistics in C closed I'm looking for high performance code needs to run in real time preferably open source.. open source but if there is nothing that's free and high perf I'll take something well supported and of high quality for a..

Fast multiplication/division by 2 for floats and doubles (C/C++)


C++ ~ 1M look-ups in unordered_map with string key works much slower than .NET code


than .NET code I have .NET and C implementations of a perf test function that does 854 750 lookups in a dictionary using.. of 6838 keys. I wrote these functions to investigate a perf bottleneck in a real app. .NET implementation is written in.. a one time computed hash. Using this string allowed to get performance of C implementation down to 190 ms. C code struct SomeData..