

c++ Programming Glossary: pformatctx

How to seek in FFmpeg C/C++


frame number DesiredFrameNumber ffmpeg av_rescale tsms pFormatCtx streams videoStream time_base.den pFormatCtx streams videoStream.. tsms pFormatCtx streams videoStream time_base.den pFormatCtx streams videoStream time_base.num DesiredFrameNumber 1000 return.. printf t avformat_seek_file n if ffmpeg avformat_seek_file pFormatCtx videoStream 0 frame frame AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME 0 return false avcodec_flush_buffers..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


screen NULL SDL_Surface surface NULL AVFormatContext pFormatCtx NULL AVCodecContext aCodecCtx NULL AVCodecContext pCodecCtx.. len1 void setup_ffmpeg char filename if av_open_input_file pFormatCtx filename NULL 0 NULL 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to open.. to open file s n filename exit 1 if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to retrieve stream info n exit..

Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv


screen NULL SDL_Surface surface NULL AVFormatContext pFormatCtx NULL AVCodecContext aCodecCtx NULL AVCodecContext pCodecCtx.. void setup_ffmpeg char filename if avformat_open_input pFormatCtx filename NULL NULL 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to open file.. to open file s n filename exit 1 if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx 0 fprintf stderr FFmpeg failed to retrieve stream info n exit..