

c++ Programming Glossary: pfile

Why simple console app runs but dialog based does not run in WIN CE 6.0?


hPrevInstance LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow FILE pFile char c pFile fopen alphabet.txt wt for c 'A' c 'Z' c putc c.. LPTSTR lpCmdLine int nCmdShow FILE pFile char c pFile fopen alphabet.txt wt for c 'A' c 'Z' c putc c pFile fclose.. c pFile fopen alphabet.txt wt for c 'A' c 'Z' c putc c pFile fclose pFile return 0 This simple code works correctly on my..

Writing a binary file in C++ very fast


1024ULL 1024ULL unsigned long long a size int main FILE pFile pFile fopen file.binary wb for unsigned long long j 0 j 1024.. 1024ULL unsigned long long a size int main FILE pFile pFile fopen file.binary wb for unsigned long long j 0 j 1024 j Some.. to fill a fwrite a 1 size sizeof unsigned long long pFile fclose pFile return 0 I just timed 8GB in 36sec which is about..

C++ can I reuse fstream to open and write multiple files?


typename Stream void reopen Stream pStream const char pFile std ios_base openmode pMode ios_base out pStream.close pStream.clear.. ios_base out pStream.close pStream.clear pStream.open pFile pMode And you get std ofstream file 1 ... reopen file 2 .....

Reading and writing binary file


read data as a block is.read buffer length is.close FILE pFile pFile fopen C myfile.gif w fwrite buffer 1 sizeof buffer pFile.. data as a block is.read buffer length is.close FILE pFile pFile fopen C myfile.gif w fwrite buffer 1 sizeof buffer pFile c.. pFile fopen C myfile.gif w fwrite buffer 1 sizeof buffer pFile c binary buffer share improve this question If you want..

ffmpeg AVFrame get full decoded data to char*


y fwrite pFrame data 0 y pFrame linesize 0 1 width 3 pFile or something like this. Is it true And which size would be my.. y fwrite pFrame data 0 y pFrame linesize 0 1 width 3 pFile Yes that's correct. This is writing a line of 3byte pixel presumably..