

c++ Programming Glossary: loadresource

embedded resource in c++


hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceId type HGLOBAL hRes LoadResource hInstance hResInfo LPVOID memRes LockResource hRes DWORD sizeRes..

How to Embed/Link binary data into a C++ DLL


with your framework's resource functions like FindResource LoadResource etc... If you don't have a resource script. Click Project Add..

Embed Text File in a Resource in a native Windows Application


MAKEINTRESOURCE name MAKEINTRESOURCE type HGLOBAL rcData LoadResource handle rc size SizeofResource handle rc data static_cast const..

reading an application's manifest file?


of the EXE or DLL. You can use LoadLibraryEx FindResource LoadResource and LockResource to load the embedded resource. Here's a simple.. SizeofResource hModule hResInfo HGLOBAL hResData LoadResource hModule hResInfo const BYTE pResource const BYTE LockResource..

How to load a custom binary resource in a VC++ static library as part of a dll?


IDR_RCDATA1 RT_RCDATA HGLOBAL myResourceData LoadResource NULL myResource void pMyBinaryData LockResource myResourceData.. SizeofResource NULL myResource HGLOBAL myResourceData LoadResource NULL myResource void pMyBinaryData LockResource myResourceData..

embed DLL in MFC C++ EXE?


MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceID _T œBINARY HGLOBAL hFileResource LoadResource hInstance hResource Open and map this to a disk file LPVOID..