

c++ Programming Glossary: liveworkspace.org

Using Boost adaptors with C++11 lambdas


v boost adaptors transformed func std endl return 0 http liveworkspace.org code b78b3f7d05049515ac207e0c12054c70 #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE..

pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit


entries with this code in vs2010 and boost 1.46.1 http liveworkspace.org code 505091dc4631a379763567168a728e0c output was 42 45 9 3 2.. Here is a simple example showing how to use it live http liveworkspace.org code 2d708ecb64ad6fbf9708c203f26965ce Side note with regards.. be fairly easy to employ fusion adaptation instead http liveworkspace.org code 56aea8619867451a21cd49fddb1e93bd #include boost spirit..

Boost::Spirit::QI parser: index of parsed element


This-pointer capture in lambda wrapper around recursive function


a run time error. For instance this shows no output at liveworkspace.org #include algorithm #include iostream #include vector template..

How to verify algebraic statements using boost::spirit?


simplest thing that could work if you ask me would be http liveworkspace.org code 1fvc8x 0 equation expression expression _val _1 _2 This..

Boost::spirit::qi defining a calculator for nullaries


Value type and created this working demonstration http liveworkspace.org code 3kgPJR 0 #include boost spirit include qi.hpp #include..