

c++ Programming Glossary: loadicon

How to explicitly set taskbar icon?


0 wcex.cbWndExtra 0 wcex.hInstance hInstance wcex.hIcon LoadIcon hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE iconId wcex.hCursor LoadCursor NULL.. 0 wcex.lpszClassName taskbarTitle wcex.hIconSm LoadIcon wcex.hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE iconId ATOM atom RegisterClassEx..

How to get the Windows Power State Message (WM_POWERBROADCAST) when not running a Win32 GUI app?


0 wcex.hInstance GetModuleHandle NULL wcex.hIcon LoadIcon NULL IDI_APPLICATION wcex.hCursor LoadCursor NULL IDC_ARROW.. NULL wcex.lpszClassName g_AppName wcex.hIconSm LoadIcon NULL IDI_APPLICATION RegisterClassEx wcex _hWnd CreateWindow..

How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++


0 wc.cbWndExtra 0 wc.hInstance hInstance wc.hIcon LoadIcon NULL IDI_APPLICATION wc.hCursor LoadCursor NULL IDC_ARROW wc.hbrBackground.. wc.lpszMenuName NULL wc.lpszClassName ClassName wc.hIconSm LoadIcon NULL IDI_APPLICATION if RegisterClassEx wc MessageBox NULL..

fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024


0 wc.cbWndExtra 0 wc.hInstance mhAppInst wc.hIcon LoadIcon 0 IDI_APPLICATION wc.hCursor LoadCursor 0 IDC_ARROW wc.hbrBackground..

c++ using too much cpu


0 wcex.cbWndExtra 0 wcex.hInstance hInstance wcex.hIcon LoadIcon hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE IDI_XSTRIKE wcex.hCursor LoadCursor.. IDC_XSTRIKE wcex.lpszClassName szWindowClass wcex.hIconSm LoadIcon wcex.hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE IDI_SMALL return RegisterClassEx..

Where can I find the default icons used for folders and applications?


HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary SHELL32.dll wincl.hIcon LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE 1 wincl.hIconSm LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE.. wincl.hIcon LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE 1 wincl.hIconSm LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE 2 Edit Windows has a lot more icons in..