c++ Programming Glossary: location
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10901905/installing-opencv-2-4-3-in-visual-c-2010-express a name for your project e.g cvtest and set the project location e.g c projects . Click Ok . Visual C will create an empty project...
How do malloc() and free() work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1119134/how-do-malloc-and-free-work fragmentation happens. The free list is also the first location malloc looks for a new chunk of memory when needed. It is scanned.. the reason of the dump since it was in a total different location as the one in dump happened. It is like a time bomb. You know..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code to optimize caching Temporal locality when a given memory location was accessed it is likely that the same location is accessed.. memory location was accessed it is likely that the same location is accessed again in the near future. Ideally this information..
Swapping two variable value without using 3rd variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1826159/swapping-two-variable-value-without-using-3rd-variable void xorSwap int x int y if x y ensure that memory locations are different x ^ y y ^ x x ^ y Why the test The test is to.. The test is to ensure that x and y have different memory locations rather than different values . This is because p xor p 0 and.. p xor p 0 and if both x and y share the same memory location when one is set to 0 both are set to 0. When both x and y are..
Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201593/is-there-a-simple-script-to-convert-c-enum-to-string mangled _Z3std Enumeration id _3 name MyEnum context _1 location f0 1 file f0 line 1 EnumValue name FOO init 0 EnumValue name..
gcc - significance of -pthread flag when compiling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2127797/gcc-significance-of-pthread-flag-when-compiling
Reading from text file until EOF repeats last line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21647/reading-from-text-file-until-eof-repeats-last-line hasn't been read yet binarically speaking its conceptual location is just after the 30 line . Therefore you carry on to the next..
Read whole ASCII file into C++ std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602013/read-whole-ascii-file-into-c-stdstring t.seekg 0 std ios end go to the end length t.tellg report location this is the length t.seekg 0 std ios beg go back to the beginning.. rather than relying on the string class's automatic reallocation #include string #include fstream #include streambuf std ifstream..
What are all the common undefined behaviour that a C++ programmer should know about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367633/what-are-all-the-common-undefined-behaviour-that-a-c-programmer-should-know-ab a NULL pointer Dereferencing a pointer returned by a new allocation of size zero Using pointers to objects whose lifetime has ended.. above or below of an array. Dereferencing the pointer at a location beyond the end of an array. Converting pointers to objects of..
Stack,Static and Heap in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/408670/stack-static-and-heap-in-c well these three concepts. When do I have to use dynamic allocation in the heap and what's its real advantage What are the problems.. many threads the variable is referring to the same memory location. The heap is a bunch of memory that can be used dynamically... type the program code. Programs will often do dynamic allocation out of their static memory when they need things like linked..
What are the differences between pointer variable and reference variable in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57483/what-are-the-differences-between-pointer-variable-and-reference-variable-in-c pointer needs to be dereferenced with to access the memory location it points to whereas a reference can be used directly. A pointer..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 the PATH environment variable of your system to add the location of OpenCV's DLLs. Add this to end of PATH C OpenCV2.3 build..
how to find the location of the executable in C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933850/how-to-find-the-location-of-the-executable-in-c to find the location of the executable in C Is there a way in C C to find the location.. of the executable in C Is there a way in C C to find the location full path of the current executed program The problem with argv..
What is the difference between char a[] = “string”; and char *p = “string”; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9460260/what-is-the-difference-between-char-a-string-and-char-p-string set aside to be known by the name a . That is there is a location named a at which six characters can sit. The pointer declaration.. sees the expression a 3 it emits code to start at the location a move three elements past it and fetch the character there... it sees the expression p 3 it emits code to start at the location p fetch the pointer value there add three element sizes to the..
Take the address of a one-past-the-end array element via subscript: legal by the C++ Standard or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/988158/take-the-address-of-a-one-past-the-end-array-element-via-subscript-legal-by-the dereference it but the result of reading or writing to the location is unspecified. Thanks to ilproxyil for correcting the last..
Showing JPG image with Qt does not work with release executable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12800346/showing-jpg-image-with-qt-does-not-work-with-release-executable ... See also http www.qtcentre.org threads 46927 Location of imageformats directory It turned out that the OP had already..
Formatting C++ Console Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449818/formatting-c-console-output the loop so I dont write it everytime. out Name t t tLocation tRating Acre endl out t t t t endl while current_node out current_node.. equivalent tabs dont work current_node item.getLocation current_node item.getAcres current_node item.getRating endl.. headByName out StringPadding Name 30 StringPadding Location 10 StringPadding Rating 10 StringPadding Acre 10 endl out StringPadding..
array of pointers as function parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1719051/array-of-pointers-as-function-parameter pointer assignment Error msg Description Resource Path Location Type incompatible types in assignment of `Foo ' to `Foo 4 '..
wxWidgets-2.9.4\include and \lib\gcc_lib\mswu No such file or directory error on CodeBlocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17476526/wxwidgets-2-9-4-include-and-lib-gcc-lib-mswu-no-such-file-or-directory-error-on below Screen comes in the Wizard. Give the wxWidgets Location Path where You installed the wxWidgets 2.9.4 After that click..
SetupDiGetDeviceProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3438366/setupdigetdeviceproperty DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_LIST DEFINE_DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo 0xa45c254e 0xdf1c 0x4efd 0x80 0x20 0x67 0xd1 0x46 0xa8 0x50.. hDevInfo DeviceInfoData DEVPKEY_Device_LocationInfo ulPropertyType BYTE szBuffer sizeof szBuffer dwSize 0.. szBuffer sizeof szBuffer dwSize 0 _tprintf TEXT Device Location Info ls n szBuffer if fn_SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW hDevInfo..
What is the VTable Layout and VTable Pointer Location in C++ Objects in GCC 3.x and 4.x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/70682/what-is-the-vtable-layout-and-vtable-pointer-location-in-c-objects-in-gcc-3-x is the VTable Layout and VTable Pointer Location in C Objects in GCC 3.x and 4.x I am looking for details of..