c++ Programming Glossary: iff
What are inline namespaces for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11016220/what-are-inline-namespaces-for inline in one but not all declarations which may live in different files. Isn't this begging for trouble c namespaces c 11.. support which requires C 11 and inlining that one iff __cplusplus 201103L . OK so why do I need a new language feature..
Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11584599/pass-an-array-to-a-wrapped-function-as-pointersize-or-range that indicates if the contents should be copied back iff they were modified and the pointer we got was a copy in the.. char begin const signed char end javainput The only difference being the use of the local variable sz to compute the..
Covariance and contravariance in programming languages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1163465/covariance-and-contravariance-in-programming-languages some T . List would be covariant if S is a subtype of T iff List S is a subtype of List T Where I'm using the mathematical.. of List T Where I'm using the mathematical definition iff to mean if and only if . That is a List Apple is a List Fruit..
Difference between C++03 throw() specifier C++11 noexcept http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12833241/difference-between-c03-throw-specifier-c11-noexcept between C 03 throw specifier C 11 noexcept Is there any.. C 03 throw specifier C 11 noexcept Is there any other difference between throw and noexcept apart from being checked runtime.. T value T t Thus CreateOtherClass will throw iff the given type's default constructor throws. This fixes one..
Is is_constexpr possible in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13299394/is-is-constexpr-possible-in-c11 Explanation The noexcept e expression gives false iff e contains a potentially evaluated call to a function that does..
Is an implementation allowed to site two identical function definitions at the same address, or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14188612/is-an-implementation-allowed-to-site-two-identical-function-definitions-at-the-s am on the right track function pointers must compare equal iff they both point to the same function addresses be damned or.. in the passage function pointers must compare equal iff they both point to the same function or both represent the same.. problem is that he's getting the same value from two different member function names. So #3 applies. I don't see anything..
What are the differences between concepts and template constraints? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15669592/what-are-the-differences-between-concepts-and-template-constraints are the differences between concepts and template constraints I want to.. constraints I want to know what are the semantic differences between the C full concepts proposal and template constraints.. but what do they mean The Greater axiom says that iff x is greater then y then y is less than x . The proposed specification..
Move member function generation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16897845/move-member-function-generation this question std is_move_constructible T is true iff std is_constructible T T is true but that doesn't imply that..
How can you detect if two regular expressions overlap in the strings they can match? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1849447/how-can-you-detect-if-two-regular-expressions-overlap-in-the-strings-they-can-ma other NFA then A X a B Y in the intersection C Z is final iff C is final in the one NFA and Z is final in the other. To start..
Is there a better way to load a dll in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2060403/is-there-a-better-way-to-load-a-dll-in-c 1. int __declspec dllexport Factorial int n Returns true iff n is a prime number. bool __declspec dllexport IsPrime int n.. 1 for int i 1 i n i result i return result Returns true iff n is a prime number. bool IsPrime int n Trivial case 1 small..
how can I find repeated elements in a vector [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20635265/how-can-i-find-repeated-elements-in-a-vector from vector int x bool return std get 1 s.insert x true iff the item was already in the set vec.end erase from the end..
What is the meaning of colon (:) operator in “uint isWidget : 1;” in Qt? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4825868/what-is-the-meaning-of-colon-operator-in-uint-iswidget-1-in-qt 1 uint inThreadChangeEvent 1 uint hasGuards 1 true iff there is one or more QPointer attached to this object uint unused..
Move semantics - what it's all about? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6815685/move-semantics-what-its-all-about the assignment with move semantics. This is the crucial difference. Uses One benefit of move semantics is that it allows.. also that we define two objects of type A to be equal iff their x member point to equal values. bool operator const A.. can force move semantics by using the std move function different from the move I defined earlier when b is not an rvalue..