

c++ Programming Glossary: ienumerator

How get list of local network computers?


class ShellNetworkComputers IEnumerable string public IEnumerator string GetEnumerator ShellItem folder new ShellItem Environment.SpecialFolder.. new ShellItem Environment.SpecialFolder CSIDL.NETWORK IEnumerator ShellItem e folder.GetEnumerator SHCONTF.FOLDERS while e.MoveNext.. yield return e.Current.ParsingName IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator return GetEnumerator share improve..

Mapping between stl C++ and C# containers


call GetEnumerator on the collection which will return an IEnumerator T objet. IEnumerator T .MoveNext is roughly equivalent to on.. the collection which will return an IEnumerator T objet. IEnumerator T .MoveNext is roughly equivalent to on a C iterator and Current..

Is there a standard C++ equivalent of IEnumerable<T> in C#?


an interface which all iterators will implement. That's IEnumerator T and IEnumerable T is a factory for returning an iterator... interfaces which is equivalent to .NET IEnumerable T IEnumerator T ICollection T IList T namely For containers iterator and const_iterator.. IEnumerable T GetEnumerator end member function instead of IEnumerator T MoveNext return value For forward iterators value_type typedef..