

c++ Programming Glossary: idx

C++ iterate into nested struct field with boost fusion adapt_struct


inline void serialize Ostream os const T t os for size_t idx 0 idx size idx json serializer slice_t serialize os t idx .. void serialize Ostream os const T t os for size_t idx 0 idx size idx json serializer slice_t serialize os t idx if idx.. Ostream os const T t os for size_t idx 0 idx size idx json serializer slice_t serialize os t idx if idx size 1 ..

Operator overloading


these is this class X value_type operator index_type idx const value_type operator index_type idx const ... Unless you.. index_type idx const value_type operator index_type idx const ... Unless you do not want users of your class to be able..

Advice on a better way to extend C++ STL container with user-defined methods


int MaxA if this empty throw int maxA this 0 .a for int idx 1 idx this size idx if this idx .a maxA maxA this idx .a .. MaxA if this empty throw int maxA this 0 .a for int idx 1 idx this size idx if this idx .a maxA maxA this idx .a return.. empty throw int maxA this 0 .a for int idx 1 idx this size idx if this idx .a maxA maxA this idx .a return maxA int SpecialB..