

c++ Programming Glossary: idle

OpenMP: for schedule


a 24576 ... a 32768 Not OK remote memory core 4 thread 4 idle socket 1 core 5 thread 5 idle NUMA node 1 core 6 thread 6 idle.. memory core 4 thread 4 idle socket 1 core 5 thread 5 idle NUMA node 1 core 6 thread 6 idle core 7 thread 7 idle Two bad.. socket 1 core 5 thread 5 idle NUMA node 1 core 6 thread 6 idle core 7 thread 7 idle Two bad things happen here threads 4 to..

What is the Fastest Method for High Performance Sequential File I/O in C++?


and not before. There are no false starts or concerns with idle threads needing to be terminated. share improve this answer..

C++ Socket Server - Unable to saturate CPU


usage of one cpu 20 of another and the remaining two are idle according to htop . Details The server fires up one thread per.. I look at to improve this result Given the CPU is mostly idle I'd like to leverage that additional capacity to get a higher..

How does the omp ordered clause work?


thread is executing the order block. . is the thread being idle waiting for its turn to execute the order block. With schedule..

Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed?


602 312 864 stalled cycles frontend # 0.00 frontend cycles idle 3 318 cache misses 0.432703993 seconds time elapsed ... 81.23.. 604 072 552 stalled cycles frontend # 0.00 frontend cycles idle 9 508 cache misses 0.375681928 seconds time elapsed ... 82.58.. 404 625 639 stalled cycles frontend # 0.00 frontend cycles idle 10 514 cache misses 0.375445137 seconds time elapsed .....

How to get IOStream to perform better?


g 4.2.1 GCC 4.2.1 Apple Inc. build 5664 mac mini 4GB ram idle except for this test with a 168MB datafile C 4.34151e 06 C 9.14476e..

How would you implement a basic event-loop?


on one of the waitables. This then means your process is idle consuming 0 CPU. When an event occurs your process will briefly.. your process will briefly react to it and then return to idle state. GUI apps spend almost all their time idling. What happens..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


break case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON Axis Zaxis break void idle void Theta Axis 0.01 if Theta Axis 360.0 Theta Axis 360.0 glutPostRedisplay.. glutKeyboardFunc keyboard glutMouseFunc mouse glutIdleFunc idle glutMainLoop return 0 c debugging opengl segmentation fault..

What are the common causes for high CPU usage?


pretty annoyed if my threads had work to do and there were idle cores on my machine because the OS wasn't giving them high CPU.. more anomalous . In a standard desktop OS most cores are idle most of the time so the higher the proportion of CPU that your..