

c++ Programming Glossary: idr

Problem to Decode H264 video over RTP with ffmpeg (libavcodec)


I separate the decoding of Coded Slice SPS PPS and NAL_IDR_SLICE packet Init uint8_t start_sequence 0 0 1 int size recv.. with the payloads of this packet and their size. NAL_IDR_SLICE The Nal unit type is 28 idr Frame are fragmented therefor.. share improve this question In RTP all H264 I Frames IDRs are usualy fragmented. When you receive RTP you first must..

Problem to Decode H264 video over RTP with ffmpeg (libavcodec)


and their size. NAL_IDR_SLICE The Nal unit type is 28 idr Frame are fragmented therefor I tryed two method to decode 1..

Windows CD Burning API


bool Result false IDiscMaster idm NULL IDiscRecorder idr NULL IEnumDiscRecorders pEnumDiscRecorders NULL ULONG cnt long.. pEnumDiscRecorders pEnumDiscRecorders Next 1 idr cnt pEnumDiscRecorders Release idr OpenExclusive idr GetRecorderType.. Next 1 idr cnt pEnumDiscRecorders Release idr OpenExclusive idr GetRecorderType type idr QueryMediaType mtype..