c++ Programming Glossary: glutget
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above glDeleteTextures 1 tex void display float sx 2.0 glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH float sy 2.0 glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT glUseProgram.. float sx 2.0 glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH float sy 2.0 glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT glUseProgram program White background glClearColor..
object loader in opengl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14887012/object-loader-in-opengl state GLUT_DOWN btn button startMouse ivec2 x glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT y startRot curRot if button GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON.. state GLUT_DOWN btn button startMouse ivec2 x glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT y startTrans curTrans void motion int x int.. curTrans void motion int x int y ivec2 curMouse x glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT y if btn GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON curRot startRot..
How do glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() keep the scene the same? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7031842/how-do-glpushmatrix-and-glpopmatrix-keep-the-scene-the-same number of milliseconds since Init was called lastFrameTime glutGet GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME int now glutGet GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME int elapsedMilliseconds.. was called lastFrameTime glutGet GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME int now glutGet GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME int elapsedMilliseconds now lastFrameTime.. 1000.0f lastFrameTime now int windowWidth glutGet GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH if boxX windowWidth boxX windowWidth boxX..