c++ Programming Glossary: glubyte
How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11980790/how-can-i-load-8-bit-bmp-with-opengl table size bmfh.bfSize bmfh.bfOffBits tempPixelData new GLubyte size if tempPixelData NULL fclose in fread tempPixelData sizeof.. if tempPixelData NULL fclose in fread tempPixelData sizeof GLubyte size in read bmp image data fclose in and I will display the..
How can I use a dynamically sized texture array with glTexImage2D? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679210/how-can-i-use-a-dynamically-sized-texture-array-with-glteximage2d #define TEXTURE_WIDTH 512 #define TEXTURE_HEIGHT 512 GLubyte textureArray TEXTURE_HEIGHT TEXTURE_WIDTH 4 Here's the usage.. int i 0 i getTexturePixelCount i textureArray column row 0 GLubyte pixelValue1 textureArray column row 1 GLubyte pixelValue2 textureArray.. column row 0 GLubyte pixelValue1 textureArray column row 1 GLubyte pixelValue2 textureArray column row 2 GLubyte pixelValue3 textureArray..
Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao ); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8302625/segmentation-fault-at-glgenvertexarrays-1-vao objects and storage for texture image GLuint textures 2 GLubyte image TextureSize TextureSize 3 GLubyte image2 TextureSize TextureSize.. GLuint textures 2 GLubyte image TextureSize TextureSize 3 GLubyte image2 TextureSize TextureSize 3 Vertex data arrays point4 points.. pattern for int i 0 i 64 i for int j 0 j 64 j GLubyte c i 0x8 0 ^ j 0x8 0 255 image i j 0 c image i j 1 c image i..
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl Here is my code for loading the image and interleaving it GLubyte memblock FILE p_fr fopen data.yv12 rb if p_fr fprintf stderr.. yuv_file_sz ftell p_fr fseek p_fr 0 SEEK_SET memblock new GLubyte yuv_file_sz if memblock fprintf stderr Failed to allocate memblock.. chromaHeight ImgHeight 2 2x2 luminance subsampling const GLubyte pCb memblock ImgWidth ImgHeight Cb block after Y const GLubyte..