c++ Programming Glossary: esc
VC++ LNK Errors With GLFW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11605835/vc-lnk-errors-with-glfw in tutorial 2 Swap buffers glfwSwapBuffers Check if the ESC key was pressed or the window was closed while glfwGetKey GLFW_KEY_ESC.. pressed or the window was closed while glfwGetKey GLFW_KEY_ESC GLFW_PRESS glfwGetWindowParam GLFW_OPENED Close OpenGL window..
Reading a video with openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14833553/reading-a-video-with-opencv cv imshow window frame char key cvWaitKey 10 if key 27 ESC break return 0 If for some reason the capture interface fails..
C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17174849/c-how-do-i-terminate-my-programm-using-esc-button how do I terminate my programm using ESC button Here is my main function i use visual studio 2012 express.. how will i terminate this loop when the user Presses the ESC button instead of 1. Although i would prefer a solution that.. improve this question this use if GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE 0 break on windows . windows.h here is how it be on your..
Using condition variable in a producer-consumer situation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2379806/using-condition-variable-in-a-producer-consumer-situation void consume while bStop globally declared stops when ESC key is pressed boost unique_lock lock mutexCond while bDataReady..
How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2616906/how-do-i-output-coloured-text-to-a-linux-terminal cout 033 1 31mbold red text 033 0m n Here 033 is the ESC character ASCII 27. It is followed by then one or two numbers..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame IplImage frame 0 char key 0 while key 27 ESC frame cvQueryFrame capture if frame fprintf stderr cvQueryFrame.. cvReleaseImage processed_frame Exit when user press ESC key cvWaitKey 10 Free memory cvDestroyWindow result cvReleaseCapture.. int num_frames 0 IplImage frame 0 char key 0 while key 27 ESC frame cvQueryFrame capture if frame fprintf stderr cvQueryFrame..
Create an On-screen Keyboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944621/create-an-on-screen-keyboard that is performed. Keyboard sequences is as follows ESC NN ESC NN ESC NN ½NN §NN where ESC simulate pressing the Esc.. that is performed. Keyboard sequences is as follows ESC NN ESC NN ESC NN ½NN §NN where ESC simulate pressing the Esc key NN.. performed. Keyboard sequences is as follows ESC NN ESC NN ESC NN ½NN §NN where ESC simulate pressing the Esc key NN are hex..
How to use the ANSI Escape code for outputting colored text on Console http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7414983/how-to-use-the-ansi-escape-code-for-outputting-colored-text-on-console share improve this question I'm afraid you forgot the ESC character #include cstdio int main printf c dmHELLO n 0x1B 32..
Prefix search in a radix tree/patricia trie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/794601/prefix-search-in-a-radix-tree-patricia-trie correct command you could type just 'D' and hit I think ESC the DCL CLI would return you all the commands that started with..
Colour output of program run under BASH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9943187/colour-output-of-program-run-under-bash respect the ASCII color sequences. They work by outputting ESC followed by then a semicolon separated list of color values..
C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17174849/c-how-do-i-terminate-my-programm-using-esc-button of how to do it .Works like charm DWORD WINAPI CheckEscape LPVOID lpParam while GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE 0 sleep Sleep.. _TCHAR argv list mylist int value CreateThread NULL 0 CheckEscape NULL 0 NULL int value do cin value mylist.insertf value.. argc _TCHAR argv std list int mylist cout enter number or Esc to exit endl int value char buffer 100 do value cinnumb cout..
How do I stop windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18041622/how-do-i-stop-windows-from-blocking-the-program-during-a-window-drag-or-menu-but when the user releases the mouse button or presses the Esc key control will return to your application code. It is worth..
Disable CONTROL + ALT + DELETE and Windows(win) Key in Windows 7 using Win32 application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4529577/disable-control-alt-delete-and-windowswin-key-in-windows-7-using-win32-app Alt Tab will switch out of the application also. Ctrl Esc is an alternate shortcut for opening the Start menu. Alt Esc.. is an alternate shortcut for opening the Start menu. Alt Esc flips between running applications. There a number of different.. sizeof SHORT 8 1 if pkh vkCode VK_ESCAPE bCtrlKeyDown Ctrl Esc Alt TAB pkh vkCode VK_TAB pkh flags LLKHF_ALTDOWN Alt Esc pkh..
Create an On-screen Keyboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944621/create-an-on-screen-keyboard NN ESC NN ESC NN ½NN §NN where ESC simulate pressing the Esc key NN are hex values and § ½ get the program to listen. Normally..