c++ Programming Glossary: error_success
C++ - RegCreateKeyEx success but without result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14585286/c-regcreatekeyex-success-but-without-result is with this code There is no errors. Everything returns ERROR_SUCCESS but in register can't see any changes. void Utils writePath.. testApp 0 NULL 0 KEY_WRITE NULL hkey dwDisposition ERROR_SUCCESS long setRes RegSetValueEx hkey testPath 0 REG_SZ LPBYTE data.. hkey testPath 0 REG_SZ LPBYTE data strlen data 1 if setRes ERROR_SUCCESS printf Success writing to Registry. else printf Error writing..
Virtual Webcam Driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1627448/virtual-webcam-driver regPath KEY_WRITE hKeyInstancesDir if rval ERROR_SUCCESS win32_utils CRegKey hKeyInstance rval createKey hKeyInstancesDir..
Is it reasonable to use std::basic_string<t> as a contiguous buffer when targeting C++03? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256160/is-it-reasonable-to-use-stdbasic-stringt-as-a-contiguous-buffer-when-targeti value.c_str NULL type NULL valueLength if errorCheck ERROR_SUCCESS WindowsApiException Throw errorCheck else if valueLength 0 return.. valueLength while errorCheck ERROR_MORE_DATA if errorCheck ERROR_SUCCESS WindowsApiException Throw errorCheck return buffer I know code..
Monitoring CPU and disk utilization of a single program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475341/monitoring-cpu-and-disk-utilization-of-a-single-program countervalcpu if status PdhOpenQuery NULL 0 hquery ERROR_SUCCESS printf PdhOpenQuery lx n status goto END if status PdhAddCounter.. if status PdhAddCounter hquery COUNTER_PATH 0 hcountercpu ERROR_SUCCESS printf PdhAddCounter cpu lx n status goto END Start outside.. PdhCollectQueryData s if status PdhCollectQueryData hquery ERROR_SUCCESS printf PdhCollectQueryData lx n status goto END while true if..
How to read a value from the Windows registry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34065/how-to-read-a-value-from-the-windows-registry SOFTWARE Perl 0 KEY_READ hKey bool bExistsAndSuccess lRes ERROR_SUCCESS bool bDoesNotExistsSpecifically lRes ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND std.. 0 NULL reinterpret_cast LPBYTE nResult dwBufferSize if ERROR_SUCCESS nError nValue nResult return nError LONG GetBoolRegKey HKEY.. hKey strValueName.c_str nResult nDefValue if ERROR_SUCCESS nError bValue nResult 0 true false return nError LONG GetStringRegKey..
c++ get registry key returns only one char http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4483087/c-get-registry-key-returns-only-one-char Windows CurrentVersion Run 0 KEY_READ regkey1 if rc ERROR_SUCCESS cout there was a problem openning endl else rc RegGetValue.. NULL L AppData RRF_RT_REG_SZ NULL void data datasize if rc ERROR_SUCCESS cout data endl cout there was a problem getting the value endl..
Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6185975/prevent-user-process-from-being-killed-with-end-process-from-process-explorer LocalFree pTempDacl CloseHandle hProcess return dwErr ERROR_SUCCESS c windows process share improve this question When running..
Determine path to registry key from HKEY handle in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937044/determine-path-to-registry-key-from-hkey-handle-in-c int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv HKEY key NULL LONG ret ERROR_SUCCESS ret RegOpenKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Microsoft key if.. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE L SOFTWARE Microsoft key if ret ERROR_SUCCESS wprintf_s L Key path for p is ' s'. key GetKeyPathFromKKEY..