

c++ Programming Glossary: erode

Contours opencv : How to eliminate small contours in a binary image


I used cvContourArea function but didn't work properly.. erode function also didn't work properly. So please someone help me..

How to use OpenCV to remove non text areas from a business card? [closed]


in order to have a white pixels text 4 Erode the image cv erode 5 detect edges using canny 6 detect text lines using hough transform.. cv getStructuringElement cv MORPH_RECT cv Size 2 1 cv erode bwMat bwMat element std vector cv Point points cv Mat_ uchar.. morphology dilate 3 diamond dilated.png 2 conditional erode the dilated image using the original image as the mask until..

Detection of rectangular bright area in a Image using OpenCv


1 2 erosion_size 1 Point erosion_size erosion_size erode new_img new_img element imwrite erode.png new_img vector vector.. erosion_size erode new_img new_img element imwrite erode.png new_img vector vector Point squares find_squares new_img..

watershed segmentation opencv xcode


Eliminate noise and smaller objects cv Mat fg cv erode binary fg cv Mat cv Point 1 1 6 Identify image pixels without.. binary Eliminate noise and smaller objects cv Mat fg cv erode binary fg cv Mat cv Point 1 1 2 imshow fg fg Identify image..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


greyImage greyImage 70 255 CV_THRESH_BINARY Dilate and erode to get people blobs cvDilate greyImage greyImage 0 18 cvErode..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


1 2 erosion_size 1 cv Point erosion_size erosion_size cv erode gray gray element Scan the image searching for points and store..

OpenCV : libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


rows are 165 cout undistorted image undistor_img_hsv endl erode the image Mat eroded erode undistor_img_hsv eroded Mat imshow.. image undistor_img_hsv endl erode the image Mat eroded erode undistor_img_hsv eroded Mat imshow eroded eroded dilate.. image undistor_img_hsv endl erode the image Mat eroded erode undistor_img_hsv eroded Mat imshow eroded eroded dilate the..

Blob extraction in OpenCV


got a binary image of the detected regions. Now I want to erode those areas and then get rid of the smaller ones and find the..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Proper object detection


bh gh rh bgIsolation bitwise_not bgIsolation bgIsolation erode bgIsolation bgIsolation cv Mat dilate bgIsolation bgIsolation.. bh gh rh bgIsolation bitwise_not bgIsolation bgIsolation erode bgIsolation bgIsolation Mat dilate bgIsolation bgIsolation element..