c++ Programming Glossary: established
Why does a push_back on an std::list change a reverse iterator initialized with rbegin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10085570/why-does-a-push-back-on-an-stdlist-change-a-reverse-iterator-initialized-with a reverse iterator and its corresponding iterator i is established by the identity reverse_iterator i i 1 . share improve this..
What does an ampersand after this assignment operator mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12306226/what-does-an-ampersand-after-this-assignment-operator-mean for lvalue and rvalue reference bindings that are well established this just establishes them for this . In the above case the..
Is there a generally accepted idiom for indicating C++ code can throw exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1261558/is-there-a-generally-accepted-idiom-for-indicating-c-code-can-throw-exceptions exceptions and if so what type of exception. Are there established idioms or best practices that exist for dealing with this problem..
Conversion constructor vs. conversion operator: precedence http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1384007/conversion-constructor-vs-conversion-operator-precedence precedence at work here. Where exactly is this precedence established a reference quote from the C standard would be appreciated From..
Using enum in loops and value consistency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13971544/using-enum-in-loops-and-value-consistency
Boost advocacy - help needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437053/boost-advocacy-help-needed in More Effective C in 1996 and despite basing it on established smart pointer implementations and submitting it to extensive..
How to launch an “event” when my Boost::asio tcp server just start running ( AKA io_service.run() )? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15829165/how-to-launch-an-event-when-my-boostasio-tcp-server-just-start-running-aka ^ queued until accepted causing V the connection to be established listening ' opened ^ ' listen ' The various overloaded constructors..
Is indexing a new map element and having something that reads it assigned to it undefined behaviour, or just unspecified? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15865627/is-indexing-a-new-map-element-and-having-something-that-reads-it-assigned-to-it a word_count.count a 0 1 2 First of all it was well established that this was at least unspecified. The result differs based..
Stack Size Estimation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1756285/stack-size-estimation to occur. I imagine this could be a huge problem for established codebases where the full effects of adding fields to a structure..
Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012645/can-you-help-me-get-my-head-around-openssl-public-key-encryption-with-rsa-h-in-c problem I mentioned in my comment you'll need to established a trusted authority Trent . Trent's public key is known to all..
Examples of good gotos in C or C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/245742/examples-of-good-gotos-in-c-or-c above can't be used in real code because it goes against established idiom. Assume that we have all heard of 'Goto considered harmful'..
Chipmunk Physics or Box2D for C++ 2D GameEngine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2707106/chipmunk-physics-or-box2d-for-c-2d-gameengine Box2D falls down. However Box2D is definitely the more established platform and from my personal experience when making the decision..
Will loading a DLL dynamically reconcile its stderr to a main application? If so, then how…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3202654/will-loading-a-dll-dynamically-reconcile-its-stderr-to-a-main-application-if-so be displayed in a window within my GUI. I couldn't find an established way to redirect stderr as opposed to std cerr even after much..
Getting started with client-server networking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046404/getting-started-with-client-server-networking server.accept Done Your connection is established Communicating is just like File IO. The only thing you have..
Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48647/does-scopeguard-use-really-lead-to-better-code a catch block is simply not true in C because RAII is an established idiom. Resource handling in C is done by resource acquisition..
Designing a thread-safe copyable class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5070161/designing-a-thread-safe-copyable-class managed by an external non copyable singleton with links established to each instance when created. Thanks for all the responses...
how does one securely clear std::string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5698002/how-does-one-securely-clear-stdstring clear the password value after the connection has been established. If I store the password as a char array I can use APIs like..
Does there exist a “wiki” for editing doxygen comments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930622/does-there-exist-a-wiki-for-editing-doxygen-comments implement something like that by modifying an existing established wiki software such as mediawiki. Or preferably something that's..
Why are standard iterator ranges [begin, end) instead of [begin, end]? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963401/why-are-standard-iterator-ranges-begin-end-instead-of-begin-end zero With the half open convention for ranges that we just established if you are given a range of N elements say to enumerate the..