c++ Programming Glossary: errorcode
Is there any way to force the WorkingSet of a process to be 1GB in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12228321/is-there-any-way-to-force-the-workingset-of-a-process-to-be-1gb-in-c . What am I doing wrong SIZE_T workingSetSizeMB 100 int errorCode SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx GetCurrentProcess workingSetSizeMB.. QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_DISABLE errorCode returns 1 so the call worked. extra for experts Experimental..
Are do-while-false loops common? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1412081/are-do-while-false-loops-common errors. I found a lot of my code looked like this int errorCode 0 errorCode doSomething if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElse.. I found a lot of my code looked like this int errorCode 0 errorCode doSomething if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElse ... if.. looked like this int errorCode 0 errorCode doSomething if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElse ... if errorCode 0 errorCode doSomethingElseNew..
OpenAL: How to create simple “Microphone Echo” programm? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4087727/openal-how-to-create-simple-microphone-echo-programm A quick and dirty queue of buffer objects ALenum errorCode 0 ALuint helloBuffer 16 helloSource 1 ALCdevice audioDevice.. alcOpenDevice NULL Request default audio device errorCode alcGetError audioDevice ALCcontext audioContext alcCreateContext.. the audio context alcMakeContextCurrent audioContext errorCode alcGetError audioDevice Request the default capture device with..
Cannot Load C++ DLL in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735346/cannot-load-c-dll-in-c-sharp int Arguments public static string GetErrorMessage int errorCode int FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER 0x00000100 int FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS.. int retVal FormatMessage dwFlags 0 errorCode 0 ref lpMsgBuf messageSize 0 if 0 retVal return null else..