c++ Programming Glossary: error..
Friending '>>' with own class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11012630/friending-with-own-class cout and now I'm trying to friend it with cin but I get an error... Could anyone help me or tell me what I've done wrong error..
What is the difference between throw and throw with arg of caught exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481612/what-is-the-difference-between-throw-and-throw-with-arg-of-caught-exception code try ... catch myErr err err.append More info added to error... throw err and try ... catch myErr err err.append More info.. and try ... catch myErr err err.append More info added to error... throw Are these effectively the same or do they differ in some..
Unexpected non-constant std::initializer_list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16023262/unexpected-non-constant-stdinitializer-list to see where I could go to with and came across a strange error... First the plain not so old indices template std size_t... struct..
undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM' linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16860021/undefined-reference-to-jni-createjavavm-linux tried every solution I've found but still I get the same error... Any help is greatly appreciated EDIT Joni's answer below works..
How should I use FormatMessage() properly in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/455434/how-should-i-use-formatmessage-properly-in-c LPCTSTR errorText error.ErrorMessage do something with the error... automatic cleanup when error goes out of scope Not part of..
about “int const *p” and “const int *p ” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5268521/about-int-const-p-and-const-int-p I have no idea why this line can be compiled with no error... Can any body help me Another code which confused me is here..
List Of Physical Storage Devices win32 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7584627/list-of-physical-storage-devices-win32-c FindFirstVolume volName sizeof volName if hFVol printf error... n return do size_t len strlen volName if volName len 1 ' '.. NULL 0 sdn sizeof sdn bytes NULL printf error... n continue CloseHandle hVol printf Volume Type d Device d..
How to erase & delete pointers to objects stored in a vector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/991335/how-to-erase-delete-pointers-to-objects-stored-in-a-vector get to xPos 1.5 the program crashes with an assertion error... Anyone know what I'm doing wrong I'm using VC 2008. c visual..