c++ Programming Glossary: essence
Will an 'empty' destructor do the same thing as the generated destructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1025313/will-an-empty-destructor-do-the-same-thing-as-the-generated-destructor this question It will do the same thing nothing in essence . But it's not the same as if you didn't write it. Because writing..
What does this & operator mean here? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11164617/what-does-this-operator-mean-here value is non zero the block is being executed. In essence it checks if the button specified by Qt LeftButton is held down...
How do I build a GUI in C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1186017/how-do-i-build-a-gui-in-c is somewhat complicated and difficult to compress but in essence it means that not a hell of a lot is going in in your main class..
Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250795/very-poor-boostlexical-cast-performance or less doing the same. As said by other posts you are in essence using the Java and Python equivalents of sprintf or the less..
C++ interview - testing potential candidates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1398436/c-interview-testing-potential-candidates live letting them think a couple minutes. Capture the essence of what they say. Don't focus on coverage how many things they..
Confused when boost::asio::io_service run method blocks/unblocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15568100/confused-when-boostasioio-service-run-method-blocks-unblocks that will process the io_service 's event loop 2 . In essence this results in a simple thread pool that will calculate Fibonacci..
templates problem ('typename' as not template function parameter) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1600464/templates-problem-typename-as-not-template-function-parameter C still doesn't implement proper two phase lookup in essence it doesn't really check templates until they are instantiated..
Learning C and/or C++ from beginner to advanced [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171126/learning-c-and-or-c-from-beginner-to-advanced some online tutorials but again how reliable are they In essence I'm looking for a quick and reliable way to learn enough C C..
Why aren't there compiler-generated swap() methods in C++0x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2078515/why-arent-there-compiler-generated-swap-methods-in-c0x to allow default rvalue functions instead of swap . So in essence as long as they allow default rvalue functions your request..
using catch(…) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183113/using-catch-ellipsis-for-post-mortem-analysis program and leave at least a hint of what happened. The essence of the question is what information can be recovered that way..
What is the C++ memory model for concurrency? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/220752/what-is-the-c-memory-model-for-concurrency ordering of variable read writes and that's it. In essence this means that aside from the traditional hello world program..
Most crucial elements in a light-weight C++ coding standard [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242728/most-crucial-elements-in-a-light-weight-c-coding-standard for others to use as reference. So to emphasize the essence here What elements of a C coding standard are the most crucial..
Singleton pattern in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496918/singleton-pattern-in-c I think it's time to introduce the Monoid Pattern. In essence it can be seen as a degenerated case of the Flyweight pattern..
are C functions declared in <c____> headers guaranteed to be in the global namespace as well as std? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587445/are-c-functions-declared-in-c-headers-guaranteed-to-be-in-the-global-names of course a lot of effort with little to no benefit. The essence of my question is is the following program strictly conforming..
CRTP to avoid dynamic polymorphism http://stackoverflow.com/questions/262254/crtp-to-avoid-dynamic-polymorphism
Explain C++ SFINAE to a non-C++ programmer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3407633/explain-c-sfinae-to-a-non-c-programmer that return char where the size of the array is in essence sizeof stream object . If stream object isn't a valid expression..
Why should casting be avoided? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4167304/why-should-casting-be-avoided cases the cast does nothing more than tell the compiler in essence shut up I know what I'm doing i.e. it ensures that even when..
Double dispatch/multimethods in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/429849/double-dispatch-multimethods-in-c need the object to tell the processor what its type is. In essence each object needs a virtual processMe Processor p method and..
How to generate the audio spectrum using fft in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4675457/how-to-generate-the-audio-spectrum-using-fft-in-c contain a lot of useful information and advice but in essence you need to do this convert audio data to format required by..
Calling R Function from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7457635/calling-r-function-from-c RInside makes life easier. But for the die hards... The essence comes from Writing R Extensions sections 8.1 and 8.2 and from..