

c++ Programming Glossary: errno.h

Differentiate between a unix directory and file in C++


a complete compilable program. #include stdio.h #include errno.h #include sys stat.h int main int argc char argv int status struct..

cstdio stdio.h namespace


stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h fenv.h locale.h stdbool.h..

How do I profile a MEX-function in Matlab


stdlib.h #include stdio.h #include string.h #include errno.h #include dlfcn.h #include engine.h typedef void mexFunction_t..

How to handle execvp(…) errors after fork()?


self pipe trick can be adapted for this purpose. #include errno.h #include fcntl.h #include stdio.h #include string.h #include..

How to deactivate input statement after some time?


string.h #include unistd.h #include signal.h #include errno.h void handler_SIGALRM int signo signo 0 Get rid of warning unused..

crosses initialization of ?˜std::istringstream iss??when using inside while loop [closed]


fcntl.h #include string.h #include stdlib.h #include errno.h #include stdio.h #include netinet in.h #include resolv.h #include..

Obtaining local IP address using getaddrinfo() C function?


arpa inet.h #include net if.h #include ifaddrs.h #include errno.h int main int argc char argv struct ifaddrs myaddrs ifa void..

USB-drive serial number under linux C++


string.h #include unistd.h #include fcntl.h #include errno.h #include scsi scsi.h #include scsi sg.h #include sys ioctl.h.. ioctl.h #include linux hdreg.h #include fcntl.h #include errno.h #include string.h #include cctype #include unistd.h int main..

Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed]


stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include unistd.h #include errno.h #include string.h #include netdb.h #include sys types.h #include.. stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include unistd.h #include errno.h #include string.h #include sys types.h #include sys socket.h..

How can I create directory tree in C++/Linux?


2012 TABSTOP 4 #include jlss.h #include emalloc.h #include errno.h #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include unistd.h #endif HAVE_UNISTD_H..

Can't obtain local IP using gethostbyname()


sys socket.h #include netdb.h #include stdio.h #include errno.h #include unistd.h int main int ac char av addrinfo res if getaddrinfo..

Difference between string.h and cstring?


stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h fenv.h locale.h stdbool.h..

How to monitor a folder with all subfolders and files inside?


the events #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include errno.h #include sys types.h #include sys inotify.h #define EVENT_SIZE..