

c++ Programming Glossary: collection

Does C++ support 'finally' blocks? (And what's this 'RAII' I keep hearing about?)


released memory is only released during garbage collection cycles. Some people believe that Destruction is Resource Relinquishment..

Most effective way for float and double comparison


of lines Using such a compare function to sort items in a collection. In this case using the builtin C operator for doubles produced..

Is it okay to inherit implementation from STL containers, rather than delegate?


MyCollectionWrapper arguments... construct coll_ Access collection directly MyCollection collection return coll_ const MyCollection.. construct coll_ Access collection directly MyCollection collection return coll_ const MyCollection collection const return coll_.. MyCollection collection return coll_ const MyCollection collection const return coll_ Special domain related methods result mySpecialMethod..

Stack,Static and Heap in C++


mean It is different of asafe new int c static garbage collection stack heap share improve this question A similar question.. and can deallocate in constant time without garbage collection. Personally when I hear people say that C doesn't have garbage.. when I hear people say that C doesn't have garbage collection my mind tags that as a feature of C but I'm probably in the..

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?


char state 2 int zip Thus when you're working with a collection of data it makes sense to have std vector Customer or std set..

What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available?


Cons and When to Use This is a spin off from a garbage collection thread where what I thought was a simple answer generated a.. from first draft syndrome only providing limited garbage collection facilities. The first downside being that it calls delete upon.. as a general purpose smart pointer for automatic garbage collection. Most of my limited understanding and assumptions are based..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


IHTMLDOMNode newNode else adding children to collection var x IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection domNode.childNodes foreach..

Polymorphism in c++


by factory methods and spat out as an heterogeneous object collection handled via Base s implementation chosen at runtime based on..

Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)


use RAII Do you ever find yourself wishing for garbage collection At least a garbage collector you could use for some objects.. objects while letting others be managed Thanks. c garbage collection raii resource management share improve this question So.. destruction appropriately. I have never wished for garbage collection really. When I do C# I sometimes feel a moment of bliss that..

What XML parser should I use in C++?


tree. It's a handy way of effectively naming an element or collection of element by common properties using a standardized syntax...

What leads to incomplete types? (QGraphicsItem: Source or target has incomplete type)


case I missed something #include QGraphicsPixmapItem class Collection class ItemSource class PhotoItem public QGraphicsPixmapItem.. public PhotoItem QString sourceFilePath Collection collection 0 QColor color Qt white qreal size 80.0 enum Orientation.. Orientation _orientation QPixmap _content QColor _color Collection _collection ItemSource _source If this file is correct then..

Getting started with OpenCV 2.4 and MinGW on Windows 7


suite I highly recommend you to use gcc GNU Compiler Collection for compiling your code. gcc is the compiler suite widely available..

Garbage Collection in C++11


Collection in C 11 I have been looking through and playing with different.. 11 FAQ on the GC ABI and n2585 Minimal Support for Garbage Collection and Reachability Based Leak Detection . The proposal allows.. such as n2310 Transparent Programmer Directed Garbage Collection for C explicitly states that n2310 §7 When an object is recycled..

Understanding stack frame of function call in C/C++? [closed]


garbage collected heap . See A.Appel's old paper Garbage Collection Can be Faster than Stack Allocation and learn more about garbage..

“Launch Failed. Binary Not Found.” Snow Leopard and Eclipse C/C++ IDE issue


nonexistent. THE PROBLEM is that GCC 4.2 the GNU Compiler Collection that comes with Snow Leopard compiles binaries in 64 bit by..

Garbage Collection in C++ — why?


Collection in C &mdash why I keep hearing people complaining that C doesn't.. tool. Matt J wrote it quite right in his post Garbage Collection in C why We don't need C features as most of them could be coded.. superior. As said by Greg Rogers in his post Garbage Collection in C why memory leaks are not so terrible at least in C where..

C++ return a “NULL” object if search result not found


a 'search' method that would return an object T from a Collection T that matched a specific parameter I would return that object..

How is Java inspired by Lisp? [closed]


Typing Java is statically typed. So was C . Garbage Collection Java has garbage collection. C doesn't. Programs composed of..

Stack,Static and Heap in C++


the start of the program so it can't be a static. Garbage Collection I've heard a lot lately about how great Garbage Collectors are.. a bit of a dissenting voice would be helpful. Garbage Collection is a wonderful mechanism for when performance is not a huge..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


produced native code should be possible as well. Garbage Collection From what I've seen I'd say garbage collection is the poorest..

C++ standard library and Boehm garbage collector


could be related to this older question on C Garbage Collection over multiple threads using Boehm GC I want to develop a multi..

I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells)


nIDEvent As Long _ As Long Private mCalculatedCells As Collection Private mWindowsTimerID As Long Private mApplicationTimerTime.. mCalculatedCells Is Nothing Then Set mCalculatedCells New Collection On Error Resume Next mCalculatedCells.Add Application.Caller..