

c++ Programming Glossary: colleague

Heap corruption under Win32; how to locate?


with Purify instrumentation built in is not an option. A colleague just walked past and asked Stack Overflow Are we getting stack..

Is there a reason to not use Boost? [closed]


to not use Boost closed I had this discussion with my colleague today about using Boost in our new C project. He did not agreed..

Google Geolocation API library


I can use either one of C C C# . Currently the only way my colleague got it working is using a gears plugin for IE and hosting the..

When should functions be member functions?


should functions be member functions I have a colleague in my company whose opinions I have a great deal of respect.. oriented so I guess one way of looking at it is that my colleague does not favor a pure object oriented approach to software design... can possibly explain it to me in a different way than my colleague has so that I might see the light Or does everyone agree with..

Stripping linux shared libraries


doesn't optimise the unused symbols out. I believe my colleague has managed to construct an ad hoc solution involving version..

Get Local IP-Address using Boost.Asio


run and compiled the code on Ubuntu 9.10 with GCC 4.4.1 A colleague tried the same code on his machine and got Not a typo.. the localhost but I know that neither me or my colleague did it. ifconfig says loopback uses ifconfig also..

This code appears to achieve the return of a null reference in C++


the usual approach of just returning a pointer. I asked a colleague about it. He uses the following trick quite often which is accepted..

In STL maps, is it better to use map::insert than []?


use map insert than A while ago I had a discussion with a colleague about how to insert values in STL maps . I preferred map key..

Is using an union in place of a cast well defined?


cast well defined I had a discussion this morning with a colleague regarding the correctness of a coding trick to detect endianness...

Header file inclusion static analysis tools?


file inclusion static analysis tools A colleague recently revealed to me that a single source file of ours includes..

Speed difference between If-Else and Ternary operator in C…?


Ternary operator in C&hellip So at the suggestion of a colleague I just tested the speed difference between the ternary operator..

May std::vector make use of small buffer optimization?


use of small buffer optimization I was wondering with my colleague today whether std vector can be implemented to make use of small..

Unnecessary curly braces in C++?


curly braces in C When doing a code review for a colleague today I saw a peculiar thing. He had surrounded his new code..

Good portable SIMD library


If you're looking for lower level portability primitives a colleague of mine has developed a wrapper around SSE2 Altivec VSX Larrabee..