

c++ Programming Glossary: coinitialize

How to return a collection of strings from C# to C++ via COM interop


.. test.tlb using namespace Test void main HRESULT hr CoInitialize null ITestPtr Ip __uuidof TestLib std list string li new std.. namespace ClassLibrary5 int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv CoInitialize 0 IMyThingPtr thing __uuidof Class1 std vector std string vectorOfStrings..

passing an array of structs from c# to C++ using com callable wrapper


Error MFC initialization failed n nRetCode 1 else try CoInitialize NULL IAccountStructLookupPtr api __uuidof DniNetStructsObj ..

ADO objects instance creation failed on the target computer


I used ADO objects to access SQL database server CoInitialize NULL try _ConnectionPtr pConn HRESULT hr pConn.CreateInstance..

Trying to create a Math Input Panel in C#


IMathInputControl g_spMIC Math Input Control HRESULT hr CoInitialize NULL hr g_spMIC.CoCreateInstance CLSID_MathInputControl hr g_spMIC..

How do I call functions that receive floating point values using IDispatch.Invoke?


atlbase.h #include comutil.h int main int argc char argv CoInitialize NULL CComPtr IDispatch wordapp if SUCCEEDED wordapp.CoCreateInstance..

CoCreateInstance returning E_NOINTERFACE even though interface is found


returning the interface I ask for EDIT my client app calls CoInitialize NULL at startup this makes no difference. c windows visual..

C++ MSAPI 5: SetNotifyCallbackFunction not working


SPNOTIFYCALLBACK cb outsideeventFunction if FAILED CoInitialize NULL return FALSE HRESULT hr CoCreateInstance CLSID_SpVoice..

How do I call eval() in IE from C++?


CComDispatchDriver disp struct ComInit ComInit CoInitialize NULL ~ComInit CoUninitialize int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv..

How to retrieve the Interface ID of a COM class so that it can be passed to CoCreateInstance?


hResult CLSID ClassID void pInterface if hResult SUCCEEDED CoInitialize NULL return 1 if S_OK CLSIDFromProgID OLESTR Scripting.FileSystemObject.. ClassID IClassFactory pClf void pVdb if hResult SUCCEEDED CoInitialize NULL return 1 if SUCCEEDED CLSIDFromProgID OLESTR Scripting.FileSystemObject..

Read Write XML File In C++


_T MSXML int main int argc char argv HRESULT hr CoInitialize NULL if SUCCEEDED hr try MSXML IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr xmlDoc..

Windows CD Burning API


least MAX_PATH in size Returns Non zero for an error Notes CoInitialize 0 must be called once in application int GetBurnPath char.. least 5 bytes in size Returns Non zero for an error Notes CoInitialize 0 must be called once in application int GetCDPath char.. CD Parameters None Returns Non zero for an error Notes CoInitialize 0 must be called once in application int Burn void ICDBurn..

IAudioSessionNotification, anyone have working code?


pEnumerator SESSION_LISTENER NULL SESSION NULL res CoInitialize NULL if res S_OK res S_FALSE return false SESSION_LISTENER new..

How to get Excel cell value in C++


with here is a code snippet int main int argc CHAR argv CoInitialize NULL HWND excelWindow FindWindow L XLMAIN NULL EnumChildWindows.. through children return true void main int argc CHAR argv CoInitialize NULL HWND excelWindow FindWindow L XLMAIN NULL EnumChildWindows..