c++ Programming Glossary: cflags
Linking C++ code with 'gcc' (without g++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001535/linking-c-code-with-gcc-without-g the makefile to better illustrate the problem COMPILER gcc CFLAGS Wall g x c # MODULE COMPILATION model modules model.h modules.. model modules model.h modules sources model.cpp COMPILER CFLAGS c modules sources model.cpp o obj model.o algorithms modules.. algorithms.h modules sources algorithms.cpp COMPILER CFLAGS c modules sources algorithms.cpp o obj algorithms.o io modules..
How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481269/how-to-make-simple-c-makefile below. Pattern rules are specified in a form like .o .c CC CFLAGS CPPFLAGS c which means that object files are generated from.. files from c source files with a rule like CXX c CPPFLAGS CFLAGS Single object files are linked using LD LDFLAGS n.o LOADLIBES.. to use CXX the c compiler to use LD the linker to use CFLAGS compilation flag for c source files CXXFLAGS compilation flags..
Finite State Machine parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3085070/finite-state-machine-parser will have a kind of conditional e.g. win32 global gcc CFLAGS ... and will need to be handled in the exact same fashion eveywhere..
Create linux make/build file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3576292/create-linux-make-build-file properly link So far my makefile looks like this. I think CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are compiler and optimization options but not totally.. and optimization options but not totally sure. CC g CFLAGS wall o3 c LDFLAGS 03 mfp rounding mode n I am offering a bounty.. be used for includes I and defines D CPPFLAGS DUSE_BOOST # CFLAGS is used for C compilation options. CFLAGS Wall O0 # CXXFLAGS..
Compiling OpenCV code on a 64-bit mac http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5781198/compiling-opencv-code-on-a-64-bit-mac 64 bit Mac. When I run the Makefile by entering make CC g CFLAGS LDFLAGS I usr local include opencv lm lopencv_core lopencv_highgui..
Why does the library linker flag sometimes have to go at the end using GCC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9417169/why-does-the-library-linker-flag-sometimes-have-to-go-at-the-end-using-gcc flag and then did the linking. This is the Makefile CC gcc CFLAGS std gnu99 LIBS lrt LDFLAGS lrt prog prog.o CC o prog prog.c..
openCV program compile error “libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” in ubuntu 12.04 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12335848/opencv-program-compile-error-libopencv-core-so-2-4-cannot-open-shared-object-f line g DisplayImage.cpp o DisplayImage `pkg config opencv cflags libs` There were no compile time errors however when I try to..
Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957492/writing-python-bindings-for-c-code-that-use-opencv `pkg config libs opencv` OPENCV_CFLAGS `pkg config cflags opencv` MY_CPP_LIB lib_my_cpp_library.so TARGET pysomemodule..
how to compile gtk+ application for native windows (and not for X windows)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18799904/how-to-compile-gtk-application-for-native-windows-and-not-for-x-windows c echo gcc Wall g helloworld.c o helloworld `pkg config cflags gtk 2.0` `pkg config libs gtk 2.0` compile.bat Note that I had.. lintl Of which the include options created by pkg config cflags gtk 2.0 mms bitfields Ic DEV gtk224 include gtk 2.0 Ic DEV gtk224.. readability on stackoverflow Notice that pkg config cflags gtk 2.0 has put the full path of my gtk include files c DEV..
Makefiles, how can I use them? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20145132/makefiles-how-can-i-use-them CXXFLAGS std c 11 Wall OPTIMFLAGS CPPFLAGS shell PKGCONFIG cflags PACKAGES LIBES shell PKGCONFIG libs PACKAGES ldl .PHONY all..
How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481269/how-to-make-simple-c-makefile advantage of this gives us CPPFLAGS g shell root config cflags LDFLAGS g shell root config ldflags LDLIBS shell root config.. to CC gcc CXX g RM rm f CPPFLAGS g shell root config cflags LDFLAGS g shell root config ldflags LDLIBS shell root config.. CC gcc CXX g RM rm f CPPFLAGS g shell root config cflags LDFLAGS g shell root config ldflags LDLIBS shell root config..
MJPEG streaming and decoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6022423/mjpeg-streaming-and-decoding opencvvideo_test.c compile with gcc ggdb `pkg config cflags libs opencv` opencvvideo_test.c o opencvvideo_test #include..
Compiling C++ code with allegro 5 and g++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6377204/compiling-c-code-with-allegro-5-and-g I tried g allegro5test.cpp o allegro5test `allegro config cflags libs` And it also gives a bunch of undefined errors like undefined.. undefined reference to `al_install_system' allegro config cflags libs outputs I usr local include L usr local lib lalleg c g..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning Outputs compiled with g circles.cpp o circles `pkg config cflags libs opencv` #include stdio.h #include cv.h #include highgui.h..
OpenCV on ubuntu 11.10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7781302/opencv-on-ubuntu-11-10 PKG_CONFIG_PATH home opencv lib pkgconfig pkg config cflags opencv I usr include opencv pkg config libs opencv lcxcore lcv..
OpenCV 2.3 Compiling Issue - Undefined Refence - Ubuntu 11.10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7816607/opencv-2-3-compiling-issue-undefined-refence-ubuntu-11-10 error messages... SG41 ~ Desktop g `pkg config opencv cflags libs` o test_1 test_1.cpp tmp ccCvS1ys.o In function `main'..
Static linking - working with GTKmm application? - revised http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8229094/static-linking-working-with-gtkmm-application-revised data MainWindow.cpp prog.cpp o prog `pkg config cflags libs gtkmm 2.4 gtkglextmm 1.2 exiv2` but It fails usr bin ld..